I Hate you .....

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_ Come in.

She heard his strange voice. She found it sad voice. She had never hear his voice like that. She opened the door and went in. when she closed the door , she saw Jon who was sitting in a chair. He was holding his head with his hands. She went closer and whispered his name into his ear.

_ Jon ?

Suddenly he jumped.

_ Your grace .... What are you doing here ?

She raised her eyebrow. He never called her like this since that night.

_ Your grace ? Jon what do you mean ?

_ I think you should leave my queen. We'll talk tomorrow in council.

She went closer to him. The of his talking made her confuse.

_ Don't talk to me like that my love.

She grabbed his neck and kissed him with love but he rejected her.

_ We can't . We can't continue this.

Jon took a deep breath and said with broken voice.

_ We can't be together. Everything is over. I am so sorry Dany. I can love you anymore.

She tried to breath. His words was like a sword which was killing her.

_ What do you mean ? I love you and I know you love me too. You told me million times when we make love. Did you forget ?

Jon closed his brown eyes and turned.

" He doesn't want to see my face. "

_ I still love you but I should forget it. It's wrong.

Dany walked towards him and looked at his dace.

_ What's the matter ? please say what happened to you ?

He didn't say anything and that made her crazy.

_ Jon ! say something.

Jon looked at her. She saw sadness in his eyes.

_ I am the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. he had never kidnap or rape her. They married in love. I am their son and your nephew. My real name is Ageon Targaryen.

Dany started laughing.

_ You are lying. This is impossible.

_ It's true. Bran told me before you come to Godswood.

It was insane for her. If he was her brother son ........ then he was heir to the iron throne. She tried to get back the throne and now he was the true heir.

_ You know it before you come to Dragonstone. Don't you ?

_ Of course not. I didn't know it until tonight.

Her mind didn't work. She just wanted to say what she felt.

_ You know it Jon. You just played with me. You came to me because you have a plan. You just wanted to make me fall in love with you. I fucking hate you and your plan that it just ........

She felt his warm hand on her cheek. he slapped her. Jon looked at her. It was impossible for her. She never thought that he would hurt her.

_ Next time when you raised a hand to me , it would be last time that you have hand.

Jon looked at ground. His cheek were red.

_ I am so so.....

_ Don't say a word.

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