Chapter 30: Heaven's Fall

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At heaven, demons and devil had took foot on the angel’s territory. And the angels were more than ready to shred blood in the name of heaven and earth. Slowly the demons and devils charged toward the group of knights, the other angels the flew up for a better view to kill the demons.

Angels and Demons were found clashing on once a place called paradise.  Demons being slashed by swords were down the ground, neither their heads went missing, arms cut off, wings torn apart or chest being pierced by arrows and spears. As the angels also lie down the ground having a few limbs missing. The once paradise is now a place with tragedy, being in this world must be a nightmare, it is a nightmare, nothing more than a nightmare.

Knights stood up, defending their kingdom, fighting back against those black demons, slaying each one of them. These angels just cherish life to much to give up easily, if heaven was to fall unto Haizaki’s hand, surely tragedy will take place on earth itself.

However… It was unfortunate… as the last knight standing, no… being down the ground being completely helpless was killed by a certain raven haired devil with his ever evil smile.

“Tsk… How pitiful…” The raven haired uttered as he wipe the blood put from his face. He started walking toward the standing castle, in which is slowly stumbling apart. He smirked seeing the view as how his king is slowly succeeding.

Later devils and monsters had followed the raven haired knight having the same goal as the king.

To rule and the world and flood it with total darkness.

Inside the castle however was the King standing firm, not giving up without a fight. He was glaring at a certain Silver haired teen as the devil just smirked, seeing how  the kingdom that this King treasured so much is falling apart.

“No wonder my daughter hated you so much…” The king uttered as Haizaki’s eye brew twitch hearing so. He flick his finger forming a large blackish, purplish flame, swiftly the king the formed a cross into the air which later revealed a shield.

Which made the devil’s attack useless. This time , the king then spread his ever white wings widely as a seemingly white tornado has formed around him, light had slowly turned around him. He raise his hand as a spear of light appeared above him, with a strong wind turning around it’s tip.

“You face the wrong enemy Haizaki…” The king uttered furiously as he pointed his palm at the silverette’s direction. As he did so, the spear of light ran toward the devil. The devil however simply smirked as the spear crash before him.

“That’s my line your majesty…” The king heard a low whisper as he turned around, he saw Haizaki on his throne crossing his legs with his smirk on his face. “This kingdom will be mine and only mine!”

“YOU WILL NEVER HAVE THIS KINGDOM!” The king uttered furiously as he spread his hands below him forming a sword this time. However before he could even attack the silverette, a spear pierce through his chest, he looks at the back of him revealing a raven haired teen with his ever michevious smile.

“Condolence… Veteran King…” He uttered as he pulled the sword out of his body. Making him fall down the ground as the sword formed on his palm vanish into thin air.

“You are lucky we need you alive for the sake of having the 13th key…” Haizaki uttered as he approach the king who lays uncouncious down the ground with blood pooling around him.

“So is he dead, your majesty?”

“Being the king… a few days from now… he’ll be completely healed. Now, now… bring him to where he belongs and let us prepare for the arrival of his dearest daughter…”


Down the earth was heavy rain fall, volcanos had erupt through out the world, floods, tsunamis and other means of tragedy has fallen. The angels clearly knew the meaning of this… Heaven had fell in the arms the traitor.

“Tetsumi…” Akashi uttered as he look at the bluenette looking up at the dark sky. She was worried sick about his father. Despite of the tragedy, the king prohibited any guardian angel to go up in heaven, they need to protect the humans. It’s all they can do to avoid further tragedies.

“I wish his alright..” Tetsumi uttered as tears threaten to fall down her cheeks. However, they were held back as the red haired embrace her.

“His Majesty is strong… I’m sure his alright.” The red head uttered as he kiss the bluenette’s forehead gently somehow comforting her. Dedpite of what the king did to them, Tetsumi love him so dearly. As if, if the king was to suffer, she’d suffer as well.

“Of course… He’s the king… he’ll be fine… I’m sure of that.”

From afar Reo was staring at the two of them as he look at the sky as well. He’s worried sick by now, knowing his king is in trouble.

Heaven has fallen….


I'll be very honest... this story is already done... I just forgotted submitting it XD Lol... as a result of leaving me in the house with the laptop without the wifi... I WAS BORED! so on, I'll update this twice a week or so...

so on see you in the last 10 chapters!!!

Yours truely


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