part 37

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After Scott had spoken to Stiles, he had vanished back to wherever he was. Scott walked out to Noah and pulled him into a hug. He told Noah what Stiles had said.

"Thank you Scott." Noah speaks up.

"I promise I'll get your son back." Scott responds, soon breaking the hug between the two. Noah nods sincerely at the boy in front of him.

"We should head back to the others and see how things are going." Allison soon interrupts.

"Yeah,, Allison is right." Scott responds. Noah nods once again. The teens all trail back outside and hop in their cars, Scott on his bike, and they start driving back to Lydias boat house.

Once they arrive, they walk inside and all that's left is a note on a bench in the corner.
The note reads;

We've gone to Argents bunker.

Scott folds up the note and places it in his pocket.

"Looks like we're going to Argents bunker." Scott speaks up. Everyone nods and they walk outside yet again to their vehicles. They all begin the drive to the Argents underground bunker.

"Welcome to the underground!" Alicia yells out once everyone steps inside.

"Alicia! Shut up!" Lydia yells out in response.

"Jee sorry. I forgot." Alicia says turning to face Malia. She's in a freezer type thing meant for hellhounds like Parrish.

"What are you doing exactly?" Scott asks.

"Hypnotising her to get her to remember Stiles." Kira speaks up. Shes sitting in a dark corner minding her own buisness. She doesnt enjoy seeing Malia caged like this and freezing near to death.

"Um.. weird tactic but okay..?" Scott responds.

"Lydias guiding her through." Alicia says.

"And Lydia suggests you SHUT UP!" Lydia yells out, slightly startling everyone except Scott. "If you want Malia to live... be quiet!"

Everyone scutters around the room and takes their seats.

"Malia you have to focus! Focus on my voice okay?" Lydia yells out. Malia nods her head slowly.

Cut to after the hypnosis.

"Stiles?" Scott abruptly says. Everyone turns to look at him.

"What?" Lydia asks.

"Stiles! I know that feeling anywhere! I can sense him." Scott says, standing from his seat.

"Really? Where!?" Alicia yells out, standing from her seat aswell.

"I don't really know. It's like it's everywhere!" Scott yells getting frustrated with every passing second. He spins around in circles trying to figure out which way Stiles is.

Eventually he stops spinning. And in front of him he sees a suspicious green light. He slowly begins to approach the light that suddenly appeared.

"Scott!" Someone calls out to him. Scott knows who it is. The unmistakable voice of Stiles Stilinski.

"Stiles?!" Scott calls back. He sees a figure appear beyond the light. "Stiles! I can see you!"

The figure keeps getting closer and closer to Scott and his friends. Eventually someone leaps out from the light and falls flat on the ground just in front of Scott's feet.

"Stiles!" Scott yells out, kneeling on the ground before him. The fallen figure lifts his head up slowly, revealing himself. Of course, it's Stiles.

He sits up only to pull Scott into a hug. Scott brushes his fingers through Stiles hair, unintentionally dropping tears into Stiles shirt.

"I love you so much Scotty!" Stiles calls out.

"I love you too! Forever and ever!" Scott says back. Stiles hugs the other teen tighter, refusing to ever let go. Everyone else stands around, shocked and in awe.

Scott pulls away from the other teen and stands up, letting out a hand for Stiles. Now that both the teens are standing up, Stiles looks around the room at everyone else. Then he sees her.

"Alicia..." he says. Scott immediately reaches for Stiles hand.

"Stiles... welcome back." She replies.

"Thank you Alicia. For helping." He says. Alicia looks half shocked.

"Uh... you're welcome?" She says. Before Stiles can say anything else, everyone rushes forwards, pulling Scott and Stiles into a group hug.

"God I missed you guys so much." Stiles speaks up. Everyone moves away from the two, both of them still with their hands intertwined.

"We missed you too. Even if we didn't really remember..." Malia says.

"It's fine. It's not your fault." Stiles says. "How long was I gone for?"

"2 months..." Liam says.

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