part 3 (what happened?)

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Everyone looked at Stiles and the person who saved him from falling in disbelief. How was this even possible? It was Scott McCall!

"What in all hell just happened?" Mason whispers to Liam. Scott's still holding Stiles up.

"Can one of yous help me carry Stiles to the nurse?" Scott says looking at the three. Liam and Mason just stand there for a bit in shock until Malia pushes them both over to help. Scott starts lifting up the unconscious boy in his arms. Liam helps him soon followed by Masons help. They carry him down the halls and to the nurse which isn't that far away. The boys help lay him down on the little bed in the middle of the room.

"May I asked what happened to this young man?" The nurse questions, laying the back of her hand on Stiles head.

"We don't know... He just fell down." Liam says shakily.

"Has he had a lot of water today?" The nurse takes her hand off his head and looks towards the boys.

Malia runs in and says, "No he hasn't."

"That might be you're problem then. I'll go get some cold water for him. Can yous keep him company for the time being?" Everyone nods, even Scott. The nurse walks out of the room to f ert some water.

"What in all hell are you doing here Scott? And why are you helping Stiles." Liam finally talks up after a long dragged out silence. Scott just stands there idoly. Not moving. Not talking. Everyone else stands around awkwardly. "Well? Someone like you doesn't just help someone like us." He gives Scott a dirty look, raising one of his eyebrows.

"Well it sure didn't look like you were gonna catch him. He could've hit his head real bad." Scott speaks up, defending himself.

"Why would you care? You're Scott McCall! He's just Stiles Stilinski."

"Well maybe I'm sick of being Scott McCall! Maybe I'm sick of the life I have."

"Why would you be... you're literally the person everyone wishes they were."  Liam calms down a bit.

"Not really..." Scott looks down at his feet. "Look I'm sorry... I just wanted to help Stiles. I don't want him getting hurt."

"Wait a minute... how did you know?" Malia questions. She thought she could smell something off with him earlier but chose to ignore it. Scott just stands there dumbfounded. We're they werewolves too? Scott thought silently to himself. As if one cue, the nurse walks back in with a cold bottle of water.

"Do one of yous wanna help?" She says looking at Scott.

"Uh yeah I will." Scott says in return. Scott and the nurse walk over to the bed. Scott helps the unconscious boy sit up a bit. The nurse opens the bottle of water and slowly pours it in Stiles mouth.

"Hey can you please wet that rag over there for me?" She says to Malia. Malia nods and grabs the rag, wetting it under a nearby sink. She hands the rag to the nurse and she sets it on Stiles forehead. Stiles starts breathes in and out heavily. He slowly opens his eyes. The first thing he sees is Scott. That just makes him really confused. He sits up slowly.

"Am I dead right now?" Stiles says looking around. Everyone laughs at him and Malia embraces him in a hug. She pulls away and let's the nurse give Stiles the bottle of water. He sips it slowly. "Thanks."

"Try to drink more water during the day." The nurse says. "I'll leave you be for a few. But you have to get back to class soon. All of you should go to.. except for you." She then follows, pointing to Scott. Everyone looks around confused as all hell. Scott nods slowly as if he's confused. Which he is. "Just give him company okay?" She walks out of the room signaling for the rest to leave as well. They do. Except Scott.

"Why are you here Scott?" Stiles says questionably.

"Well I saved you from hitting your head on the ground." Scott says rubbing the back of his head.

"I... fell? Wait what happened?"

"Uh.. I don't exactly know. All I saw was you falling so I ran as fast as i could to catch you."

"Why? Why would you help me?"

"Well... I... because you're a really nice guy Stiles. I would love to have a friend like you and the rest of your group."

"B-but... you're one of the popular guys... you hang out with other popular people. Me and my friends aren't popular."

"Well maybe I don't want to be popular anymore." They didn't notice but they started holding hands a while back.

"Wh-what?" Stiles says shakily. The two boys didn't even notice but they pulled their hands away from eachother at the sound of the door opening. The nurse was standing there.

"Hey boys it's time to get back to class." She says to the pair. The two boys nod. They happen to have the same class together... English. They walk down the hall together and past Scott's group of friends they say hey to him and try to pull him away from Stiles. Scott retaliates and walks closer to Stiles. His group of friends just stand there in disbelief. They just keep walking to class. When they get there they sit next to each other. Mr Yukimura, there English teacher doesn't mind much. The rest of the day was exactly like the previous, except including Scott now.


After school.

"Hey Stiles, can you give me a lift home by any chance?" Scott asks politely.

"Of course. But Malia is too." Stiles replies in a very happy tone. Scott and Stiles walk towards Malias locker. Everyone else is with her too. Scott and I wave to everyone and they all smile and wave back. Scott really got to know every one really well. Liam didn't really trust Scott like at all. He believed that Scott was just trying to mess with them. But nonetheless he was still nice. The whole group walked outside and Malia, Scott and Stiles walked towards Stiles jeep.

"Hey Stiles! Think I can catch a lift too?" Kira yells out. Stiles nods and Kira runs up to them. They all get in the car. The girls in the back and the boys in the front. They talked amongst eachothers and laughed and joked for the whole car ride. Stiles pulled up in front of Kira's house first as it was the closest to the school. They said there goodbyes then Stiles drove off. Malia was next, it was the same process. Then it was Scott.

"Hey can you pick me up tomorrow morning Stiles? Scott says opening the door to Stiles jeep.

"Sure. Wait... how did you get to school before?" Stiles says.

"Uh Jackson... He gave me a lift everyday along with his boyfriend Ethan." Stiles nods and waves goodbye.

"Wait one more thing! Thanks for kinda like uh saving my life today..." Stiles stutters awkwardly.

"No. Thank you for saving mine." Scott smiles and closes the door to Stiles jeep. Stiles waits until Scott gets inside his house.  Then he drives home happier than ever.

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