part 10

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Scott woke up still holding onto Stiles hand. He had accidently drooled on the bed next to him. He springs his eyes up at Stiles arms. He relaxes a bit once he sees it's all bandaged up. He squeezes Stiles hand tighter and looks at his innocent face. Scott can hear his heartbeat a bit more now, which is a good sign for the boy.

"Hey Scott. There wasn't much we could do with your friend here. But can you tell me what happened?" Melissa says as she walks through the door.

"I-i think he was getting bullied at school. By multiple people. He wouldn't tell anyone though. He kept it to himself. I tried to find out what was going on but he wasn't open with it like at all. I think he got beat up again yesterday. Mason and Liam were helping him out, but when he saw me he just ran out of the school and drove home. I followed him obviously. But when I got there I just found him on the floor, blood everywhere." Scott starts tearing up again. With every word he tightened his hand around Stiles, bringing his other hand up and trying to take his pain away. He succeeds as black veins rise up his arms. Stiles was in a lot of pain.

"I'm sorry Scott. There's nothing else we can do but wait. You have to go to school." Melissa says sadly to her son. Scott nods letting more tears run past his cheeks. He sits up and walks over pulling his mother into a tight hug.

"I-i think I love him mum." Scott says crying into Melissa's shoulder. Little did Scott know Liam and Mason were sitting outside and Liam could hear everything.

"Then don't give up on him. Come see him every afternoon until he gets better." Melissa says to his shattered son, hugging him tightly. Scott nods and sits back down on the chair next to the bed. "Scott."

"Yeah mum?"

"Your friends are outside... go talk to them please. Get out of this room for a while. Go get food or something."

Scott just nods and gets out of his seat. He walks outside only to see Liam and Mason sitting down. Liam looks like he's freaking out and somehow mason seems pretty calm.

"Hey guys..." Scott says looking at the two.

"How is he!" Liam asks stepping closer to Scott.

"He... He's not awake. He has bandages on his arms though." Scott says as he remembers what he walked in on back at Stiles house. "Does anyone know who bullied him?" Scott grows angrier than ever.

"I think I do...." Mason says twiddling his thumbs. A single tear drops onto the floor.

"Who! Who did this to him?!" Scott says growing angrier.

"You're not gonna like this Scott. And neither are you Liam."

"Just tell me who it was." Scott steps closer to Mason and so does Liam.

"Well Jackson is the one who started it... but he stopped. Now I think it's Allison and her friends." Scott growls loudly. But not too loud that everyone can hear. "Scott... there s nothing you can do about it now. There's nothing anyone can do. He's gone Scott. Stiles is gone."

"No... no he's not! He can't be." Scott let's a few tears roll past his cheeks. Scott wants to run back into the room with Stiles but doesn't. He takes a seat next to Mason and buries his face into his hands.

"Why are you caring so much for him?" Mason says clearly. Liam steps forwards.

"Mason don't. Just drop it." Liam says.

"What? No I wanna know why you care about him so much. You ditched all your other friends for this random new kid at school. Why?" Mason continues. Scott puts his hands down and shows his face. He looks at Mason dead in the eyes and says.

"Because i-i i think i love him." Scott struggles through tears but he manages to say it clear enough. Liam walks over to Scott and makes him stand up soon pulling the older teen into a hug. Scott hugs him back. Liam let's a few small tears slip into Scott's shirt. "You... you already knew?"

"I heard you talking to your mum in there." Liam pulls Scott away from him leaving his hands on Scott's shoulders.

"Ho--- you're a werewolf aren't you?"
Liam flashes his eyes at Scott. Scott flashes his eyes back. They both had bright yellow eyes. "Does he know?" Scott says directing his eyes to the door in which Stiles is behind.
Liam nods.

"He knows about all of us. Does he know about you though?" Liam asks. Scott nods.

"What do you mean all of us? Are you a werewolf too?" He looks at Mason.  Mason shakes his head.

"No I'm human. Just like Stiles."

"And the rest of your group?"

"Should we tell him?" Liam looks at Mason. Mason nods his head.

"Might as well." He says in return to his best friend.

"Okay. Well our friend Kira is a kitsune. Runs in her family. Malia is a werecoyote. Don't even ask about her family. And Hayden is also a werewolf, but she was originally a chimera." Liam says to the older boy now sitting down again. Scott takes a while to gather all this information.

"Boys. Go home. Its getting late." Melissa says walking out of Stiles room. Scott nods and starts walking out the front door to the hospital. The two younger teens follow him out. Mason drives the boys to their houses and then to his own. When Scott gets home he walks in the front door and up to his room. He opens the door and sees someone sitting on the bed.

Scott tries to find the light switch and when he does he turns on the light. Allison?

"What do you want!?" Scott growls.

"I think we should get back together. I miss you Scotty." Allison smiles and slings her arms around Scott. Scott pushes her off of him.

"You're a fucking murderer! Get out of my house! I never want to see you again! GET THE FUCK OUT!" Scott screams at Allison.

"Wow what do you mean. I didn't kill anyone." Allison says confused.

"Yes you did! GET THE FUCK OUT! YOU ARE A CRUEL, SELFISH BITCH! NOW LEAVE MY HOUSE BEFORE I KILL YOU!" Allison doesn't listen. She just smiles and sits back down on the bed. Scott doesn't allow it. He grabs her arm tightly dragging her out of his room.

"Scott! Stop!" Scott doesn't listen. He keeps dragging Allison out of his house. When they get to the front door Scott pushes her out making her fall over.


"That loser? Are you kidding me? Is that what this is? I gave him a couple bruises I didn't kill him!" Allison stays loudly.

"ARE YOU SURE!? YOU DROVE HIM TO KILL HIMSELF! YOURE A FUCKING MONSTER! GET AWAY FROM ME!" Scott says tearing up a lot. He slams the front door rushing up the stairs to his bedroom. He sits down on the floor next to the bed crushing his face into the blanket on his bed and crying even more.

Allison just sits outside for a few minutes.
I drove Stiles to kill himself? Did I really do that? Ugh who cares anyways. He was a nobody. If anything I did the world a favour.

Scott keeps crying on the floor of his bedroom.
Why is Allison so cruel! Stiles is literally the nicest person on the planet. He didn't deserve this. He should be here with me right now. With us. How could someone be so fucking cruel! I thought Allison was a nice person... I guess I was wrong.

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