part 5 (again?)

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Stiles woke up in a lot of pain. Probably from the beating he got from Jackson and his little crew the day prior. Stiles grabs his phone to check for any texts.

Scott: hey can I get a lift tomorrow?

Stiles: yeah sure. I'll be there in a bit

Scott: ok see you soon :)

Stiles shuts off his phone and goes for a shower. When he hops in his face burns a little from the cuts and bruises. Stiles pushes through. He turns off the shower after a while and carefully dries himself trying not to inflict his own pain. He quickly dresses and walks downstairs. His dad isn't there which is probably a good thing. Stiles doesn't really want his dad to see what he looks like right now. He doesn't want anyone worrying about him. He grabs an apple and walks out the door to his car. He hops in and turns on the car. Before he starts driving he shoots a text to a few people.

To malia: hey are you getting a lift with Kira?

Malia: no not today. Can you pick me up?

Stiles: yeah I'm on my way.

To scott: hey I'm on my way I just gotta pick up Malia first.

Scott: ok

Stiles puts down his phone and starts driving to Malias house. He gets there and honks the horn on his car signaling that he was there. Malia rushes out the door.

"Hey Stiles! Are we getting anyone else?" Malia says pleasantly.

"Uh yeah we gotta pick up Scott today." Stiles says looking at Malia.

"Okay I'll sit in the back. Glad to see you better Stiles." She says as she climbs into the back seat. Stiles starts driving to Scott's house. Scott hops in the front and they drive to school. As they're driving they talk amongst each other about the weirdest things that are very irrelevant. It's a decently long trip but they get to the school eventually.  They hop out and all go to their own lockers. When Stiles gets to his locker he meets an old friend... Jackson. As soon as Stils sees who's there he turns around and walks the other way. Before he gets far jackson is right behind him. Jackson grabs Stiles arm really tightly and swings Stiles around making his shoulder barge into the lockers. Stiles goes weak and Jackson just keeps punching him in the gut. This time he's alone but he's still doing a lot. He punches Stiles in the face once and then just pushes him to the ground and leaves Stiles laying there alone.
Stiles slowly and painfully gets up after a few minutes and walks to his locker using the other lockers as his support.

"Hey Stiles!" Scott says from afar. Stiles looks at the mirror in his locker and sees his nose bleeding. He quickly cleans up the blood so Scott doesn't worry about him again. Well... so no one worries about him. If there's one thing to know about Stiles it's that he doesn't want to seem like an attention seeker. Like ever.

"Y-yeah h-heyy Scott..." Stiles says very unclearly.

"You okay there Stiles?" Scott says laying a hand on Stiles shoulder. Stiles pulls away wincing in pain silently.

"I-im fine... don't worry about me Scott." Stiles says softly. Scott can sense that he's lying.

"Stiles... I know you're lying. What's going on with you?" Scott says leaning up against the locker.

"Nothing... just... leave me.. alone Scott." Stiles says as he closes his locker and walks away. He doesn't look at Scott at all. He just walks. Scott listens to his heartbeat closely. He doesn't bother following Stiles. He figures Stiles just wants to be alone right now. 

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