part 21

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At Scott's house, Alicia was tied up on a chair with chains. She woke up with a groan. She looks around at everyone sitting around her. Staring.

"Where's Stiles." Scott says surprisingly calm.

"I-i can't say." Alicia stutters. Scott grows angry. He glows his eyes at Alicia accidently. Alicia looks really surprised.
"Yo-youre an alpha? How?"

"True alpha." Malia speaks up with a grin. Alicia just stares in wonder. Disbelief. Scott makes his eyes go back to their original brown colour.

"Now. Tell me where Stiles is." Scott demands again. Alicia shakes her head. Scott stands up from his seat and tackles Alicia and the chair to the ground. "WHERE IS HE!" Scott yells out again. He punches Alicia in the face making her nose bleed. Scott pinches her in the face several more times until Liam and mason pull Scott away from the poor girl. Scott walks into a different room.

'Stiles. Are you there?' Scott shuts his eyes tight, focusing on sending the message to Stiles.

'Scott... I don't know where I am. I think... They moved me. It's even darker here. And colder. I can't see anything!' Scott can sense just how scared Stiles is. He can also sense that he's closer then before.

'It's okay. I can sense you. You're close to me. I'm coming now!' Scott gets ready to leave again.

'No you can't! Thomas is here. Everyone is here! It's too dangerous.'

'Stiles I don't care! I'm coming to get you.' Stiles can tell how genuine he's being. He sighs and drops his head down again. The door to whatever room he's in suddenly crashes open. Revealing Thomas. He walks in with a grin in his face. Stiles doesn't dare look up at him.

"What is it now? Can't get enough of me?" Stiles says with a smirk.

"Shut it bigmouth." Is all Thomas says in return.

"Why? Cause you know it's true? I'm just that great that you had to come back for more." Stiles looks up at Thomas with an even bigger smirk on his face. Thomas doesn't care for his smart remarks. He punches Stiles right in the nose causing his head to fling back. Stiles moves his head back so he's looking down at the ground again.

"What do you want Thomas?" Stiles asks almost in a whisper.

"The nogitsune." Thomas says calmly.

"Yeah? Well the nogitsune is gone." Stiles looks up at Thomas again, with blood rushing from his nose. Thomas just nods.

"That's what you think." Thomas says before turning around and walking out the door. Before he did, Stiles got a good look of what the other room looks like. He knows where he is. Exactly where.

'Scott. I know where I am.' It takes a while for Scott to reply, but he does.


'You know that bakery we went to? Where we met up with Alicia?'


'I'm in the back room of that building. Listen to me Scott. Don't trust Alicia. She's working with them. The only reason she met up with us is to get us to trust her and so the bakery would have her scent.'

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