part 16

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Stiles turns on the car and they drive off to Malias house. When they get there Malia grabs her stuff and hops out of the car. As soon as she gets inside, Stiles drives off to his house. The two teens talk and laugh with each other until they reach Stiles house. When they do stikes parks out the front and they both walk inside, heading straight for Stiles room. When they get there the two boys take their seat on the bed.

"Scotty. Can I be honest with you?" Stiles asks looking down at his feet.

"Of course. What's up babe?" Scott replies smiling at the other teen.

"Well... Scotty... I'm scared. I'm really really scared." Stiles says as he twiddles with his thumbs.

"What of?" Scott reaches for Stiles hand and holds it in his own.

"Of Allison. She really hurt me today... and I read the texts you sent her... it really scares me. I don't want to get hurt again..."

"Don't worry you won't get hurt ever again. I'll stick by your side. I won't let anyone hurt you. You'll be fine." Scott lays a hand on Stiles face making him look up and him. He leans in and kisses Stiles passionately,  reasurring him that everything is fine and that Scott will always be there for him. They soon pull away for a breath of air.

"Thanks Scotty." Is all Stiles can think to say. He grabs Scott hand and holds it tightly. Scott always makes Stiles feel safe. The two boys spend the rest of the night playing video games, kissing, eating pizza and then falling asleep.


The next day Scott and Stiles woke up. Somehow Stiles had ended up on the floor and Scott had taken up the entirety of the bed.

"Rude kicking me out of my own bed!" Stiles yells sleepily. Scott just laughs at his boyfriend.

"I didn't mean to! Sorry babe." Scott says as he sits up on the bed. Stiles forces himself to stand up and sit down next to Scott.

"You two better start getting ready for school!" Noah yells out to the boys from his room. The two boys chuckle and stand up to find there clothes. They both get changed not caring if they're in front of each other or not.

After they get dressed they walk downstairs hand in hand. Stiles grabs two apples from the fridge and hands one over to Scott.

The pair eat their fruit and then jump into Stiles car. Stiles turns on the engine and drives off to school. The two teens sing songs and dance on their small road trip. Once they get to their destination, Stiles finds a parking spot right in front of the school. The two walk inside and look for their friends.

Stiles, Lydia and Malia soon get out of their seat and walk away from the table without a word. They walk down all the halls until they get to Malias locker, which happens to be a few lockers down from Lydias. The two girls get out the things they need for the day since they forgot to earlier, than they head for Stiles locker. When they get there Stiles unlocks the locker and finds a note next to his history book. He opens it up without the girls seeing and reads it. Luckily the girls were talking amongst eachother and looking at their phones. The note read:

Meet me outside of the school, in the parking lot at 4:10pm. I'll be expecting you. And if you don't show up, you're gonna regret it. Be there! And don't be late. Come alone.

It had been typed out and printed so Stiles couldn't figure out who had written it. He had his assumptions though.

Stiles curses to himself. This is definitely from Allison. It has to be. Oh god what do I do! She's gonna hurt me... again... I know it.

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