part 25

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Stiles woke up the next morning with a sharp pain in his stomach. He stands up and walks over to the bathroom mirror, lifts his shirt and sees a cut along his ribs trailing down to his hip.

"What the-" Stiles starts. He thinks nothing of it for now and goes to grab his clothes for the day. He gets dressed and walks downstairs. Noah isn't there. But there's a note on the fridge.

Sorry son early morning and possibly a late night for me. There's some money on the counter to order pizza or something.

Stiles grabs the money on the counter and walks outside to his car. He hops in and drives off to school. Once he's at the school he parks his car and walks inside.

"Hey Stiles!" Someone calls out from behind him. He turns around to see Kira.

"Hey Kira!" Stiles says in return.

"So... did you think about what I said?"

"Yeah I did... but I'm not just gonna forgive him like that Kira. I need to know that I can trust him again. I've lost that trust now." The two walk down the halls.

"I get that. So let me get this straight... if Scott does something trustworthy for you, you'll forgive him."

"Uh yeah... I guess." They keep walking until they reach Stiles locker. He grabs out the stuff he needs and then continues walking with Kira.

"Okay." Kira says making Stiles curious on what she's going to do. Eventually they make it to the table where they always sit. Kira and Stiles take a seat. The only other people there are Liam, Mason and Malia. Kira and malia talk queitly to eachother and liam mason and stiles talk loudly to eachother. Until the bell goes.

They all stand up from their seats and walk to class. Stiles had English. With Scott. And Lydia. He sits down in one of the only seats that's left. The other spare seat was right next to him. Scott wasn't in class yet. But Stiles figures that's his seat. Obviously. Lydia was sat in front of Stiles.

After a few minutes of waiting the teacher walks in. Scott still isn't in class.
'Where is he' Stiles thinks to himself.

The rest of the day plays out normally except for one thing. Scott. He's gone. No one has seen him around school so people in the group decide to text him.

Kira: hey Scott where are you?

No reply

Malia: Scott where were you today? You missed out on some pretty important work.

No reply

Liam: Scott. Answer dude.

No reply

Everyone looks over at Stiles.

"What? I'm not texting him." Stiles says in return to their judgy eyes.

"Oh come on. He's not replying to any of us. He left us on read!" Kira states.

"What makes you think he'd respond to me?"

"Just try it!"

"Oh my god fine!" Stiles grabs out his phone and texts Scott.

Stiles: Scott where are you?

"There! You happy?" Stiles yells out.

Stiles phone beeps.

"Yes!" They all say in unison. Stiles checks his phone. It's Scott.

Scott: Stiles if you want to see Scott again I think you know where to find us. - Thomas.

"Oh no... oh no no no! This is bad. This is really really bad." Stiles says thinking it's in his head.

"What? What is it?" Kira speaks up before anyone else can.

"Its- the pack! They have Scott!" Stiles yells out.

"Oh no. Do you think they're still in the same place as last time?" Malia says

"I don't know! Oh no... no no!"

"Stiles calm down."

"I can't! I-i...." Stiles starts losing focus.

"He's having a panic attack! Guys get him to the locker room!" Malia and Liam help Stiles stay up straight. They all fast walk towards the locker room.

"Stiles. You have to focus on my voice. Only my voice." Lydia says. "Do you understand."
Stiles shakes his head slightly still breathing heavily. "Focus on your breaths. Deep in and deep out." Stiles tries but it doesn't work. He shakes his head after trying.

"It-its not working!" He yells out, still shaking his head.

"Just focus! Focus on Scott. All the good times you've had. All the good things you have done together. The kisses. Focus On that." Kira speaks up. Stiles nods his head.
"Now picture him here. Here with us. He's fine. He's here and he's fine." Stiles breathing slows down. He closes his eyes and pictures him in Scott's tight yet comfortable embrace. He pictures them kissing just like Kira said. Scotts soft lips against his own.

"Holy shit... I love him!" Stiles says opening his eyes again. Kira pulls Stiles into a hug.

"Oh thank God! You're okay." Kira says still hugging Stiles.

"Kira! There's no time for this! We need to save Scott!" Stiles says pulling away from Kira. "Thanks for the help though..." He smiles to Kira. She smiles back.

"Lets go." She says, not only to Stiles but everyone else too. The rest of the pack. They all rush out of the locker room and trail out of the school. They get into three separate cars. Stiles, Lydias and Masons. Malia and Kira travel in Stiles car. Liam and Hayden travel in masons car. And Jackson travels with Lydia. They all follow behind Stiles. He has a feeling of where Scott is. It's not anywhere they've been before though. It's a different place.

They drive towards...

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