part 35

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Scott and the others were getting ready for their encounter with Alicia. The group jumped in their cars, Scott on his bike, and they drive off to Lydias boat house. Lydia was already there to give Alicia food and water for the day. When everyone arrives to the boat house, Lydia shows them where Alicia had been placed.

"Hey there Alicia." Scott says surprisingly calm considering what happened between the two different packs.

"Scott." Is all Alicia says in response. "I see you got the whole group together. But aren't you missing one? He too scared to look at me now is he?"

"Who are you talking about?" Kira asks.

"Stiles? What did yous kick him out of the pack or something? Damn that's low... even for me." Alicia smirks as she speaks.

"You remember him huh?" Lydia speaks up before Kira or scott pop a vein.

"Um yeah? You giving him silent treatment now?" Alicia says, growing even more confused as the pack keeps talking.

"We didn't exclude him from the pack you idiot!" Scott eventually yells out, getting frustrated with Alicias smart remarks. "He was taken by the ghost riders and we need to remember him to get him back. For whatever reason he sent us to you. So start talking Alicia!"

"Ghost riders?" Alicia questions.

"Yes! Ghost riders! Now tell us about Stiles before I punch you in the face!" Scott says, standing out of his seat.

"What's in it for me?" Alicia questions with a smirk on her face.

"I don't punch-"

"Scott shut up!" Lydia interrupts. Scott crosses his arms and sits back down. "Okay Alicia... if you tell us we'll help you. Your pack ran away so we'll let you go. But only if you help us!"

"Alright I'll help. But let me go first. I don't enjoy being tied up." Alicia replies. Scott looks over at Lydia with an angry expression on his face. Lydia just shrugs her shoulders at him. She stands up and walks over to Alicia.

"Lydia! Don't I swear to god!" Scott yells out.

"Well what else are we going to do Scott?! You said you miss Stiles, what if this is the only chance we have in getting him back! She remembers him and we don't!" Lydia yells back. Scott just sits back in defeat.

Alicia looks shocked and sad at the same time and no one notices. Lydia unites Alicias hands and feet and moves back to her seat.

"The wild hunt." Alicia says calmly, holding her wrists where the ropes were once tied.

"What?" Malia speaks up.

"The wild hunt. The ghost riders i suppose is what you call them." Alicia starts. "They've been after stiles for years now."

"What do you mean?" Scott asks.

"I'm guessing he didnt tell you... I mean even if he did how would you guys know?" Alicia says.

"Get to the point!" Scott, Malia and Liam all say at once.

"Let her finish!" Lydia calls out.

"As I was saying... the ghost riders have been searching for Stiles ever since he started learning about the supernatural. It's all because he knows more than anyone and the ghost riders find it threatening since he isn't part of the supernatural himself. So they've devoted 2 years of their lives to finding Stiles. I don't think they know who he is if he's been taken by them though. The ghost riders aren't trying to make him part of the wild hunt... they're trying to kill him. So it's probably a good thing that he's in the wild hint rather than out of it." Alicia finishes.

As she does everyone looks around confused and scared. Scott ends up shedding a few tears himself. The room is silent for a few minutes. No one dared to speak after what Alicia said.

"How do we get him out?!" Scott yells out slightly scaring everyone in the room.

"That is gonna prove difficult." Alicia responds.

"I don't care! Just tell us! How do we get Stiles out of the wild hunt!" Scott yells out, standing up from his seat once again.

"You have to make a rift. And to do that you need to remember him. That's the difficult part." Alicia says staring Scott dead in the eyes.

"But I already remember him." Scott responds, returning the stare aswell.

"I'm not talking about you Scott. You have too close of a connection and that's one thing that takes advantage over the wild hunt. I'm talking about them." Alicia points to everyone else in the room, excluding Scott. "Oh and one more person. Noah Stilinski."

"His dad... I showed him Stiles room but I haven't seen him ever since... I'll go talk to him right now." Scott yells out. "You guys come with me as well." Scott points at Liam, Mason, jackson, Hayden and Allison.

"Good. Whilst you're doing that I'll try and get there guys to remember." Alicia adds on. Scott just nods before turning around and running out of the boat house and to his bike. Everyone he pointed to follows behind, jumping into their cars and following Scott's bike down the street. They drive off to Noah's house leaving the rest of the pack with Alicia.

"I need to get you guys into a hypnotic like state. I know none of you trust me... but I want Stiles back too. He was my best friend and I love him just as much as you do." Alicia speaks up.

"Okay let's just get this started. My mum hired a hypnotist for her smoking addiction once so I know what to do. She gave me the same hypnotist when I was 10." Lydia responds.

"Wait... you smoked when you were 10?" Malia asks.

"No! I bit my fingernails." Lydia says looking back at Malia.

"I was just thinking we could freeze you near to death... it'll work easier. And quicker." Alicia suggests.

"oh..." Lydia says. "Well I wouldn't last 2 seconds freezing so... you do that."

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