part 11

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Scott was getting ready for school, listening to what his mum told him the previous day. He was interrupted by his door opening. He looks over to the door and sees his mum standing there.

"Hey Scott. I'm gonna head to work do you wanna come with me?" She says referring to checking up on Stiles.

"Yeah" Scott grows happy and sad at the same time. He grabs his school bag and follows his mother down the stairs and out the front door. They get in the car and drive off to the hospital. When they get there Melissa parks in the employee parking lot and stops the car. Scott gets giddy and jumpy at the same time at the thought of Stiles. The two get out of the car and walk into the hospital. Melissa walks over to the front desk whilst Scott walks to Stiles room. When he gets there he sees Stiles, in hospital clothing. His arms are still bandaged up. Scott walks over to the bed and sits on the small chair next to it. He attempts to take Stiles pain again... but there is nothing to take. Stiles is just peacefully sleeping. At least that's what Scott and the others hope. Scott just sits there for a few minutes, watching and listening to the unconscious boys heartbeat. Its steady. Much clearer than yesterday. Which is a good sign.

I hope he wakes up soon... I miss him already and we didn't even spend much time together. I was usually just there when he got hurt... I hope he trusts me.
Scott's thoughts get interrupted by his mother walking in the room.

"Hey. Its time for school. Don't worry I'll keep an eye on him for you." Melissa says. Scott stands up and walks past his mother.

"Can I have the keys?" He says turning back around. Melissa nods and throws his son the keys to her car. Scott walks out of the hospital and drives to school.

Lydia is out the front of the school talking to Jackson. I walk up to them greeting them with a hello.

"Hey Scott. We heard what happened... is he okay?" Lydia says sympathetically to her friend in front of her. Scott looks down at the ground.

"He's not waking up... but I can still hear his heartbeat... faintly but it's there." Scott's expression saddens. He feels as if he's part of the reason that all this has happened.

"Atleast he's still breathing. That's a good sign. I'm really sorry for what happened." Jackson says setting a hand on Scott's shoulder.

"Why did you bully him Jackson?" Scott says looking him dead in the eyes.

"I-i... it was dumb I know... but I stopped! And I regret it so much..  I'm so sorry Scott. Please dont hate me." Jackson says quickly trying not to lose another friend.

"I don't hate you... I just hate what you did." Scott smiles at them both before walking inside the school. He runs into all of Stiles friends and smiles whilst walking over to them. Even through the smile everyone in the group can see the pain in his eyes.

"Hey Scott... how you holding up?" Malia says brushing imaginary dirt off his shoulder.

"I'm fine... I saw him this morning. He looks like he's getting better but it's hard to tell." Scott says looking down at the ground then up at everyone else. Lydia and Jackson walk past looking at Scott with a sympathetic look. He gives them a smile as they walk away. "How are you guys doing? Yous have known him longer."

"We may have known him longer but you have a way stronger connection with him then any of us." Kira says smiling to Scott. "Were doing fine... Just as long as he doesn't actually die. We all believe that he'll make it. He can't be dead." Kira looks at everyone when she says her last sentence. They all nod and separate to walk to their class. As they do the bell goes and some of them chuckle a bit. Scott has English and he decides to sit next to Malia for a change. Lydia sits on the other side of Scott and they talk amongst each other about random things until the teacher shows up. When he does everyone stops talking to listen to the teacher.

---------- 20 minutes into class

"Scott McCall report to the principals office immediately. I repeat Scott McCall report to the office now." Someone over the loud speaker announces. Scott looks at me Yukimura. He nods towards the door and Scott grabs his stuff. He walks down the halls and towards the office.

When Scott arrives at the front office the lady at the front desk calls him over to her.

"You're mother called Scott. She wants you to go to the hospital. Says it's important." She says to the teen.

"Oh okay... thanks." Scott says. He walks out the door and gets in his mother's car. He drives off to the hospital. When he gets there He's greeted by his mother at the front desk. "Hey mum... What's going on?" Scott says confused on why she would pull him out of school.

"Its Stiles... He opened his eyes! But only for a few seconds. He's out again, but he's getting better." Melissa says to her son.

"C-can I see him?" Scott has wide eyes. Melissa nods and Scott turns around and runs to Stiles room. He looks at the broken, bruised boy on the hospital bed. Scott sits on the chair next to the bed like he has been every time he's visited. I miss the soft smile on his face whenever he saw me. I miss hearing his laugh at lunch when he was with all his friends. I miss the times he'd sing to one direction while driving to school. I miss his soft warm hands being held in mine. I miss the feeling of his lips pressed against mine, even if it was only once. I miss him. I miss Stiles so much.

Melissa walked in breaking Scott's thoughts. She walks over and sets a hand on her son's shoulder for comfort.
"I'll do everything I can to keep him with us Scott." She says softly and sweetly. Scott nods and smiles towards her.

"Thanks mum" he says looking at Stiles lifeless exterior. He can't do anything to help. Scott stands out of his seat and walks outside. He sits down on one of the chairs in the waiting room. He puts his elbows on his knees and his hands on his head. He just thinks about all the thongs he could've done to prevent all of this from happening. Scott puts all the guilt on himself.

"I miss Stiles so much...."

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