part 29

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Scott was first to wake up this time. Stiles was clinging onto him for dear life. Scott smiles as soon as he sees Stiles beautiful face. He brushes his fingers through Stiles hair just like last night. It seems to calm Scott down a lot. For whatever reason that may be. Then Stiles wakes up. Immediately he looks up at Scott.

"Goodmorning baby." Scott says quietly and calmly.

"Goodmorning Scotty." Stiles responds, rubbing his tired eyes a bit. After he rubs his eyes he goes straight back to cuddling Scott close. Scott keeps brushing Stiles hair. Peacefully they lay there. With no sound. Except their heartbeats.

"Boys! Get up! Schools today." Noah says, slamming the door open.

"MMH! NO!" Stiles yells out. Scott let's out a worried/sympathetic smile. Noah rolls his eyes at his son. Scott moves Stiles arms off of him and gets up off the bed. "SCOTTYYY! COME BACK!" Stiles yells out before getting up himself and scrambling over to Scott, pulling him into a tight hug. Scott chuckles a little. So does Noah.

"Get him ready would you Scott?" Noah asks politely.

"Yeah... got it." Scott says nervously. He still doesnt forgive himself for what he did. He probably never will. But it's great to see Stiles happy again. Scott rests his head in Stiles shoulder. "We have to get ready."

"I know I know." Stiles says quietly. He pulls away from Scott and walks over to his wardrobe. He picks out a pair of jeans and a shirt. Not long sleeved. He walks to the bathroom and gets changed. Scott doesn't have any spare clothes so he just sprays himself with deodorant. When Stiles is finished dressing they both walk to the kitchen.

They grab an apple each and chow it down. After they finish eating they say goodbye to Noah and walk out to Stiles jeep. They hop in and Stiles starts up the car, driving off to school.


Once they get to school they walk towards the lockers. Before they get there they run into Allison.

"Hey guys!" Allison calls out.

"Hey alli." Stiles says.

"Alli?" Allison asks.

"Uh yeah... I don't know." Stiles replies skittish.

"I like it." Allison responds with a smile.

"Hey do you wanna walk with us?" Scott asks.

"Yeah sure." Allison replies. The three walk down the halls to the lunchroom where their friends are.

They arrive to a table with only Liam and mason sitting at it. The three take a seat, Scott next to Stiles and Allison  on the other side of the table next to mason and Liam. They all talk to eachother until Lydia walks to the table.

"Somethings wrong. Very wrong." Lydia starts.

"What do you mean?" Stiles questions.

"There's a storm coming. But it's no ordinary storm. It's the wild hunt. They're coming for us. All. Of. Us." Lydia finishes. When she does she collapses onto the floor.

"Lydia!" Scott yells out. Scott and Stiles both hop out of their seats and rush over to Lydias aid. Everyone else just sits there wondering what the hell the wild hunt is.

Scott and Stiles lift up Lydia and walk towards the nurses office. Before they get there Lydia wakes up with a loud scream. A banshee scream. Stiles drops Lydia leaving Scott to hold her alone. He covers up his ears with a scream of his own. Not as loud obviously but still a scream. Lydia stands up with her hands on her knees.

Stiles takes his hands away from his ears and Scott can smell blood. He looks over to Stiles and sees blood coming out of his ears.

"Stiles..." Scott says quietly. Stiles reaches up for his ear, bringing it back down and seeing blood.

"I-im sorry... I don't know what happened." Lydia stutters. Stiles ignores the blood. Scott doesn't. He walks over and wipes the blood away from Stiles ear with his hand.

"Does it hurt?" Scott asks.

"Not anymore..." Stiles replies with a smile. He grabs Scott's hand that was wiping away the blood and uses his other hand to make Scott look up at him. He pulls Scott into a kiss. It doesnt last long but its still a kiss.

"Lydia." Stiles says after he pulls away from the kiss. "Are you okay?" He rushes over to Lydia and puts a hand on her back.

"I don't know what happened... I'm sorry... all I can remember are the words 'The wild hunt' and that's it." Lydia stutters out. She looks at Stiles sympathetically.

"We'll look into it don't worry." Scott speaks up.

"Where have I heard that...?" Stiles speaks quietly to himself. "Hold on! I think I got it. I'll be right back." Stiles yells out louder this time. He runs off towards the library.

"STILES WAIT!" Scott yells out.

"Let him go... ive got a feeling whatever this wild hunt is... is really bad." Lydia says. Scott nods in return.

"Lets go back to the others." Scott says calmly. This time Lydia nods. They both walk back to their seat.


Stiles looks through all the books trying to find the right one. When he does he pulls it out and opens it to the middle.

"Where is it..." Stiles mutters to himself. Then he finds it, points it out and nods in agreement to himself. The words he's pointing to read 'the wild hunt'.

"Found it... now I gotta tell the others... we're in a lot of trouble..." Stiles closes the book and runs out of the library, clutching the book in his arms.

"Guys!" Stiles yells out as he gets to the table everyones sitting at.

"What is it Stiles?" Mason asks.

"The wild hunt. I know what it is. they take people." Stiles says through heavy breaths.

"Stiles sit down. Catch your breath. Then talk." Scott says, standing up from his seat and putting his hands on both of Stiles shoulders, urging him to take a seat. He does. Right next to Scott.

"What do you mean they take people?" Malia asks.

"They take people out of existence. They erase people.  They ride the storm. Lightning." Stiles says very clearly.

"Lydia... do you know anything about this?" Scott asks. Everyone looks over to Lydia. She shakes her head.

"Nothing at all..." Lydia says quietly. But loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Where did you get this information from Stiles?" Jackson asks.

"From this book. I knew I had heard the wild hunt from somewhere. I used to read this book every night to find out more." Stiles replies as he lifts the book up onto the table. he finds the right page and opens it up. Right at the top reads 'the wild hunt' in bold letters.

"Also known as the ghost riders... spooky." Malia speaks up pulling everyone out of their thoughts.

"Everything about this is spooky Malia... they take people and erase them from existence." Scott says.

"We shouldn't be scared.. I mean we don't even know if they're coming to beacon hills." Mason speaks up.

"They are. They're already here." Lydia says as if she's catatonic.

"Wha--" mason starts.

"Shh!" Stiles yells out. "Lydia... how do you know?" He continues.

"I can see them." Lydia says still in her catatonic like state.

"Where?" Stiles asks.

"Everywhere. They've already started taking people." Lydia replies. Before anyone else can say anything, she hits her head on the table. Stiles was sitting next to her.

"Lydia!" He yells out, lifting Lydias head off the table.

"What." Lydia replies.

"Do you see the ghost riders?" Stiles asks concerned.

"No? What are you talking about." Lydia asks.

"Nothing....." Stiles replies after a long pause. Everyone looks around at eachother with concerned looks on their faces. Except Stiles. He continues looking at Lydia. And Scott just looks at Stiles.

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