part 28

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"Allison... shes-- a hunter. A trained hunter. She changed her ways though. Because of us. That's why she has that aura around her." Scott explains.

Kira and Allison were both determined to win the fight. Swinging their swords left and right. Forward and backward.

"What are they doing?" Scott yells out.

"I don't know... Kira just started yelling at Allison and then she pulled out her sword. And this happened. Allison was just apologising to us and then something snapped in Kira." Lydia explains.

"The fox is taking over her..." Stiles explains. Everyone jumps at the sound of his voice not expecting it.

"When did yo-" Scott starts.

"No time to talk. Scott use your alpha title and snap Kira out of it." Stiles says sternly. Scott can see that stiles is holding his phone in his hand. He must've read the text that Allison had sent. "Yell out her name. Real loud. Do it. NOW!"

"KIRAAAA!" Scott howls out as loud as he can.  It doesn't work. Kira and Allison keep fighting.

"Scott... you eyes... they changed." Lydia says nervously.

"What?" Scott asks.

"They're yellow... again..." Lydia explains. Stiles looks down at the ground. He knew why they changed back. Stiles was the one who made him an alpha. A true alpha. And when he lost the bond with Stiles the way he did it made his eyes change.

"What do we do?" Scott calls out. Everyone looks at Stiles who is still looking down at the ground. "Stiles? What do we do?" Scott asks again. Stiles looks up.

"I have an idea." Is all Stiles says. He runs towards the two girls and jumps in front just as they start to strike each other. Allison stops. Kira doesn't. Stiles shuts his eyes really tight. Hoping his plan works.

"STILES!" Lydia yells out.

"KIRAAA! STOPPP!" Scott yells out even louder. He turns full wolf out of concern and slight anger. Everyone watches as Scott strikes forwards and grabs the blade of Kira's sword right before it hits Stiles. It cuts his hand pretty deep and he winces in pain. Stiles eyes shoot wide open. Kira's aura dies down soon fading away for good. Hopefully. Scott let's go of the blade and Kira lowers her sword.

"I-i..." Kira starts.

"STILES what were you thinking?!" Scott yells out completely ignoring what Kira was saying.

"Hey it worked didn't it?" Stiles says in response.

"What are you talking about?" Scott asks

"You saved me. You're a true alpha again. And I put all my trust in you. Screw the list! You just saved my life. I love you Scott McCall." Stiles yells out.

"You wanted this all along?" Scott asks.

"Yes!" Stiles yells out again. Stiles wraps his arms around Scott's neck and pulls him into a hug. Scott wraps his arms around Stiles waist, hugging tighter. Everyone looks at them in awe. Malia runs over and hugs Kira. Crying into each other's shoulders.

"Stiles does this mean--" Scott starts, pulling sway from Stiles so they can look at eachother.

"Scott. I accept your apology. And I would love it if you'd accept my request to be your boyfriend again." Stiles says looking at Scott's beautiful face.

"Of course I accept!" Scott yells out with joy. Scott pulls Stiles in and kisses his lips. Stiles puts his arms around Scott's waist whilst Scott rests his hands on either side of Stiles face. A tear rolls down Scott's face as they continue kissing.

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