part 31

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3 weeks later;

Scott wakes up the next morning alone. He hardly remembers anything from yesterday. He gets up and grabs new clothes for the day. Then he gets this sinking feeling in his gut. The feeling of loneliness. He falls to his hands and knees on the ground.

"What...? Why do i feel like this?" Scott asks himself. He pulls to his senses and stands up off the ground. He quickly gets changed and walks downstairs.

"Hey Scott. How'd you sleep?" Melissa calls out from the kitchen.

"I- mum I feel like I'm missing something... it's been bugging me for the last 3 weeks." Scott owns up.

"I feel the same." Melissa responds. "It's like something has been erased from my mind."

"Yeah... it-it feels like it was something important. Something... I... loved..."

"Alright. I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. But for now get to school!"

"Okay mum..." and with that Scott walks out if the house... expecting there to be a car. For whatever reason. "MUM!" He calls out.

"Yeah?" Melissa replies now standing at the door frame.

"Isn't there usually a car here... blue.. or maybe green."

"Um.. No.. but now that you mention it do you want to borrow my car for the day?"

"Ooh that would be great." Scott says with a smile. Melissa throws her keys at Scott and he catches them with one hand. "Thanks mum! See ya later." Scott hops in the car and drives off to school.


Once Scott arrives at school, he hops out of the car and walks towards the front door. He's greeted by Malia and Lydia.

"Hey guys!" He calls out as he catches up to the two.

"Hey Scott. You still haven't answered my question?" Malia says.

"What question?"

"What is a Stiles?" Malia says. Scott looks dumbfounded. Where has he heard that word before.

"I-i" Scott starts. Then something happens. The girls see him pass out onto the ground. But to Scott he's still standing there. But it's different. There's another silhouette next to him. He can't make put who it is but they're holding hands. Then they start walking. Towards a locker. The number on it is 1075.

Malia and Lydia try and make Scott wake up. Eventually though he springs up into a sitting position.

"Stiles? 1075!?" Scott yells out. Soon he falls back down and lays down on the ground. He slowly closes his eyes.

"Scott? What do you mean?" Malia asks.

"I-i... love... Stiles?" Scott slowly says.

"Stiles? Who is Stiles?" Lydia asks.

"My- he's my boyfriend." Scott says. His eyes are closed. His breathing is really slow. It's like he's super close to death.
"He was taken-"

Scott springs up again. This time he doesn't go back down. He stands up and runs down the hallway leaving the two girls to sit there in disbelief. Then they get up themselves and follow Scott. He runs through several different hallways until he finds a certain locker. 1075.

"Scott!" Lydia calls out from the other end of the hall. Her and Malia ran after Scott but they couldn't keep up.

"Stiles. That name- it keeps popping up in my mind and I don't know what it means..." Scott says as soon as the girls catch up to him.

"You said something-" malia starts. "Whilst you were knocked out I'm assuming. You said you love Stiles?" Scott's eyes go wide. He looks over at Malia.

"Why can't I remember! THIS IS KILLING ME!" Scott yells out in frustration. He punches the locker in front of him. Locker 1075. His eyes go wide again. He rips the lock off the locker handle and opens it.

There's nothing inside. Except pictures. With Scott. There was another person, But it only seemed to be a silhouette of a person. It was pictures of Scott and this person kissing, holding hands, hugging, all of it.

Tears start to form in Scott's eyes as the silhouette starts to form into a real person as the seconds go by. Then Scott sees him. It's Stiles.

'Stiles? You're beautiful.' Scott thinks to himself. He remembers. Not everything but he remembers.

'Scott!?' Scott can hear someone in his mind. 'Scott can you hear me?'

'Who is that?'

'It's Stiles! It's me!'

'Stiles? Why can't I remember you?'

'Because I was taken by the wild hunt. Scott you have to listen to me... they're not going to leave beacon hills until they have taken everyone. Be careful.' With the last few words Stiles voice became distant and echoed.

'Stiles!' Scott calls out one last time. No answer.

"Stiles!!" Scott calls out. Not in his mind this time. Now he can see it clearly. The silhouette. It's Stiles for sure. He takes all the pictures off the locker door and holds them to his chest, more tears pass his cheeks and fall to the floor.

"Scott? Mind filling us in?" Malia says.

"This... This is Stiles!" He says holding up one of the pictures for the girls to see.

"Um- Scott only you are in that picture." Lydia says. Scott flips the picture. He can still see stiles standing next to him.

"You don't remember him..." Scott says quietly. "How could you not remember him! He was the best thing to ever happen to me! He brought us all together..."

Both of the girls look astonished.

"They won't stop... they are going to take us all... we need to get Stiles back!" Scott yells out. And before the girls can say anything he runs away. The girls try to follow but scott is too far ahead. Hes gone. Out of sight. He runs to the sheriff's house. He rushes in and stops in front of a wall.

"Why is it blocked up... WHY IS IT BLOCKED UP!" Scott yells out. Stilinski comes rushing into the hall.

"Scott? What are you doing in here?" Stilinski asks. Scott points towards the wall he stopped in front of.

"His room. Why is it blocked?" Scott asks calming down a little.

"Son what are you talking about?" Noah asks resting a hand on Scott shoulder, making him lower his arm.

"Stiles. This is his room. Why is there a wall covering it?" Scott looks down at the ground with teary eyes.

"Stiles? What are you talking about?" Noah looks confused.

"Your son! I'm talking about your son Noah! This is his room! Behind this wall!" Scott yells out, looking up at Noah letting more tears rush last his cheeks.

"I don't have a son..." Noah says. And with his words Scott drops to the floor on his knees.

"How does no one remember! How can I be the only one! FUCK THE WILD HUNT! FUCK THIS!" Scott punches the wall he was so desperate to get behind.

"Scott I'm gonna need you to calm down." Before Stilinski can do anything Scott punches more of the wall away. "SCOTT! THATS MY WALL!" Noah yells out furious.

"It's not a wall Noah. It's a room. Look." Scott says. There's a door behind the part of the wall he punched out. A doorknob and everything.

"What?" Is all Noah says. Scott stands up off the floor and keaves the house.

"Sorry sheriff... I'll be going now." Scott says as he walks away. He runs home and crashes down on his bed. He screams into his pillow and tries his best to get to sleep.

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