part 17

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Stiles woke up on the floor again with Scott taking up the whole bed.

"HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!" Stiles yells out, waking Scott from his slumber.

"What?!" Scott screams startled by the sudden yelling.

"IM ON THE FLOOR AGAIN YOU BUTTHEAD!" Stiles yells out as he stands up and sits in the bedside chair.

"Hey atleast you took the blanket with you." Scott smiles at the teen as he looks down and sees a blanket laying on the floor.

"I think we should set up a camera at night to see how this even happened. It doesn't even seem possible at this point." Stiles says returning a smile to the other teen.

"Slack for that." Scott says sternly, giving out a small chuckle. Stiles chuckles in return.

It was the weekend and Stiles really didn't want to go home so he wore a pair of Scott's jeans and his shirt with a hoodie. It was a bit oversized but he made due. Scott laughed at Stiles for a bit after he got dressed because of how it looked on Stiles but Stiles had interrupted it with a long passionate kiss.

The two decided it was best to meet up with the rest of the group and plan out what they're going to do about the new pack in town.

Stiles: hey guys group meeting

Malia: okay

Mason: where at?

Stiles: someone add Lydia to the chat

Lydia has been added to the chat

Scott has been added to the chat

Stiles: thanks

Lydia: what's going on?

Stiles: group meeting.

Mason: where??

Scott: at my house. 11 Manchester st
Scott: it seems the safest option

Stiles: either that or the animal clinic soo..

Mason: fair enough. Okay see you guys soon

Stiles: wait! Malia wake up Kira.

Malia: how do you even know she's sleeping.

Stiles: she hasn't responded or opened these messages.
Stiles: she's asleep.

Malia: fair enough. Okay see ya soon

After the group made it to Scott's house, they took their seats around the lounge room and discussed plans.

"So what are we going to do about this pack?" Malia asks breaking the silence in the room.

"I say we form a pack of our own!" Scott suggests.

"Where are we gonna find an alpha?" Stiles asks.

"Well.. Maybe we don't need an alpha."

"Hm an alpha less pack... I like the sounds of that! But it's also pretty dangerous."

"Humans in a pack?" Malia questions.

"Why not? I mean you guys will be stronger if your in a pack." Stiles says. "It might actually give us a chance against these guys."

"Okay but we're gonna need a leader atleast." Mason suggests.

"All in favour for Stiles being leader." Scott says aloud raising his arm in the air.

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