part 4 (Why?)

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Stiles went to have a shower because he forgot to last night. He took his phone with him to go through the texts he got last night.

Malia: hey you don't have to pick me up tomorrow. Kira's dad is giving me a lift with her.

Stiles: okay see you at school then.

Malia: yep. Are you picking up Scott today?

Stiles: I dunno. I'll text him now.

Stiles to Scott: hey do you want a lift to school today?

Scott: no my mum decided to give me a lift today

Stiles: okay

Stiles sighs. Looks like he's driving on his own today. He doesn't mind though. That's what he did all the time at his old school. He turns off the shower and gets dressed for school. He packs his bag and walks downstairs to be greeted by his father.

"Hey dad how's it going? " Stiles says grabbing an apple to eat.

"Hey son I might be out late tonight. Got a big shift going on." Noah says with a smile.

"Okay ill catch ya later then." Stiles says taking a bite out of his apple. Noah nods, grabbing his papers.

"Alright yeah. I've got to go now. I'll see you later kiddo." Noah walks out the door and gets in his car.  He drives off to work leaving Stiles all alone in the house. He grabs his phone and checks for any texts. There's only some from the group chat. It's a conversation that doesn't really concern him. He keeps eating his apple as he walks out the door to his jeep. He starts the car and drives towards the school. When he gets there he pulls up at the front, parked next to Kira's dad. He gets out only to be greeted by Malia and Kira.

"Hey. Sorry about leaving you alone. I stayed at Kira's for the night." Malia says.

"Its fine. I was actually enjoying drowning in my thoughts." Stiles says sarcastically chuckling in return. They all laugh as they walk towards the front doors to the school. When they get in Jackson is standing there against one of the lockers.

"Hey Style." He says sarcastically.

"What?" Stiles says nervously.

"Just come with me. I have something for you." Jackson says grinning evily.
Stiles doesn't trust it... but it's Scott's friend so he goes with him. They walk into the locker room. A few other guys are there too.

"What's going on here?" Stiles says stressing out. Jackson walks over to Stiles. He punches him really hard in the gut making Stiles fall to the ground, wincing in pain. "This should teach you not to take our friend away." One of Jackson's friends lift Stiles back up. Holding him tightly so he can't get away. Jackson keeps punching and kicking Stiles. Even in the face. Stiles nose and forehead start bleeding a lot. "STAY AWAY FROM SCOTT YOU LOSER" Jackson just keeps beating him up. With punches left and right. Stiles tries to get out of there but another guy comes up and holds him still. Stiles goes in and out of conscious and the boys keep holding him up. Jackson tells his friends to let him go and his lifeless body falls to the ground. His legs and arms have bruises forming everywhere. His gut is bruising the most though. His body just lays there. He's still breathing but not a lot. Blood is seeping out of his mouth.

2 hours later

Stiles was still unconscious in the locker rooms. He was waking up, but very slowly. He could hardly move a finger he was in that much pain. His friends had been texting him all day, but they had no response. They had checked through the whole school where they usually go. Liam and Mason ran into the boys locker room. It was the last room to check. They were in shock with what they saw. The two boys ran over to Stiles unconscious body.

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