part 22

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Stiles wakes up to Scott's voice in his head.

'Hey Stiles. If you're awake I'll come by and see you.'

'Well it's hard not to be awake with someone talking in your head Scotty.'

'Sorry Stiles...'

'It's fine. Just get your butt over here!'

'Okay see you soon'

Scott jumps on his bike and speeds to the hospital. Ecstatic to see Stiles. He parks outside and walks into the hospital with the biggest smile in his face. He asks the nurse where Stiles room is even though he remembers perfectly well where it is. She points to a door. He walks over to the door the nurse had pointed at and walks in. Scott takes a seat where he did last time next to Stiles.

Stiles looks up at Scott with a wide smile.

"Hey Scotty." Stiles says softly.

"Hey how you doing?" Scott replies.

"Not great. It still hurts but I feel a little better." Stiles moves his pillow so he can comfortably sit up against the wall.

"Well that's good. I think the others are going to come by later on today." Scott says as he reaches for Stiles hand holding it tightly in his. The two watch as black veins crawl from Stiles arm to his own.

"Thanks Scotty."

"It's no problem at all. I love you Stiles." Scott let's go of Stiles hand and rests his hand on Stiles cheek. Stiles smiles more at Scott. Scott leans in and gently kisses Stiles lips. He pulls away smiling himself.

After a few minutes of the boys sitting, talking and laughing with each other, Kira and Malia walk through the door.

"Hey guys." Stiles says calmly as the two take a seat on the opposite side of the bed then Scott.

"Hey Stiles. How you holding up?" Malia starts.

"Oh I'm doing just fine. Thanks for stopping by." Stiles replies smiling at the two newcomers. Kira jumps out of her seat and hugs Stiles tightly. Stiles obviously hugs her back. As soon as Kira pulls away Malia hugs Stiles. "Sooo... Alicia? What are you guys going to do with her?"

"Uhh... maybe you could answer that?" Scott says sheepishly.

"Okay... can you call in the nurse?" Stiles asks.

"What for?"

"I need to ask her something."

"Okay I'll be right back." And with that Scott stands up and walks out the door to look for the nurse.

"How's the others? Are they all okay?" Stiles asks the girls.

"Well yeah. We've all healed except for Malia and Liam. They got scratched the worst but they are healing." Kira begins. Malia lifts her shirt to reveal a large cut going across her hip. It looks like it's healing, but slowly. After a few more minutes Scott walks back in the room with the nurse leading the way.

"Hey nurse Diana." Stiles says with a bright smile.

"Hey Stiles. How can I help you today?" Nurse Diana says returning the smile.

"Um I have a question." Nurse Diana nods urging Stiles to continue. "When can I go home?"

"Well... if you feel as though you're feeling better then I suppose you could go home today." Nurse Diana says politely.

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