part 32

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'Scott! Where are you? I think- I think I see you!' A voice calls out. The voice is distorted and echoed so it's difficult to hear.

'Stiles!' Scott calls out. He seems to know who is yelling out to him. Scott runs forwards into darkness. All that's in front of him is a black wall. He keeps running. Keeps going.

'You're close Scott! I can sense it!' The echoed voice calls out again. This time a little clearer.

'I can see you Stiles! I can see you!' Scott calls out as he keeps running forwards. There's a silhouette standing still in front of him.

Scott gets closer and closer. And it seems as though the silhouette is getting further and further away. Scott stops running and places his hands on his knees.

'Stiles- I cant- it's impossible.' Scott calls out through heavy breaths. This time the silhouette rushes forwards into somewhat of a light.

'But you made it. Scotty I'm right here.' Stiles says softly, resting a hand on Scott's shoulder. Scott looks up and pulls Stiles into a hug.

'Oh thank God! I missed you so much!' Scott says into Stiles ear. As soon as they start hugging, the black room fades into another room. A room with actual furniture in it...

Scott springs up off his bed.

"Stiles! No! Stiles where are you!" Scott calls out, tears rushing past his face. He doesn't sit still, he flails around. Melissa rushes in and holds him still with a hug.

"Scott! Calm down." Melissa says smoothly.

"S-Stiles..." Scott says quietly before falling back on his bed and closing his eyes again.

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