Chapter 25: A Reunion

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Cams POV:

Bart came round a few nights ago and told us we have a Magcon Reunion in California. He wouldn't tell us who was coming but I bet it won't be Scarlet. Our reunion is on the 14th of April. Well that's today. I get out of bed and take a shower. I get dressed into some casual gear and do my hair. I head downstairs and see the guys in the lounge. 'Am I the last one up,' I ask? 'Nope,' Nash says, 'Nicole's still asleep.' 'Oh okay,' I say sitting down on the couch.

Scarlets POV:

I've been on a Plane since 6am. It's now 9:30am and the plane has just landed in Cali. I get off the plane and grab my suitcases. I see Bart standing over by the doors. 'How come your here,' I ask? 'Cause the boys are flying in too,' he says. 'Oh,' I say. 20 minutes later the boys arrive.

Matts POV:

We see Bart standing having a conversation with a girl. The girl looks about 21 or 22. As we get nearer I hear that she has an small British accent. 'Hey Bart,' Cam yells out. The girl looks at us and smiles. I go over to her. 'Hey,' I say. 'Hey,' she replies with a small hint of sadness in her voice. 'Scarlet,' Bart calls. 'Yeah,'she calls back. 'Can you introduce yourself to Nicole please,' Bart asks? 'Sure,' she says. Now instead of sadness it's anger I hear in her voice.

I walk back over to the guys. 'Thats Scarlet,' I say. The boys look at me like I'm stupid. 'Im serious,' I say. 'Why is she here,' Shawn asks? 'I don't know,' I say. I see scarlet talking to Nicole. Well at least they're talking nicely.

Scarlets POV:

I go over and introduce myself to Nicole. 'Hey,' I say, 'I'm scarlet.' 'Yeah, I know who you are,' she says, 'your the bitch that slapped Shawn across the face.' Wow bitch much. 'Yeah I'm trying to be nice,' I say, 'but seeing as your a bitch to me I don't even know why I tried.' She looks shocked and I walk off. If I have to share a room with that bitch I will probably strangle her.

'Come on,' Bart yells and we all follow him out to the limo. I sit between the window and Nash. Right now I really want to burst into tears from the looks that Nicole and Shawn are giving me but I don't. I have to be strong. I've been very successful without them and I will continue to be like that. We arrive at the hotel and walk into the foyer. I'm in a room with Cam and Nash. Well that's not to bad. I take my stuff upstairs and into my room. I put my stuff away and go back out to the elevator. I hop in and head down to the foyer. I get out and walk out to where the beach is. I take a long 40 minute walk then I get a phone call. I answer:

S- hello

B- hey It's Bart. Where are you

S- I'm at the beach

B- can you come back please

S- sure

B- thanks

S- bye

B- bye

We hang up and I retrace my steps back to the hotel. I get inside the hotel and go up to our floor. The guys are all standing outside Barts room. I walk over and they look at me.

Nicole's POV:

Bart calls for our attention. We look at him and he says, 'we have an event tonight and Scarlet will be coming onstage with you all.' We are all shocked. I want to say why is that bitch coming onstage with us? But instead I ask, 'how come she's coming onstage?' 'Because I was in Magcon before you and you were pulled into Magcon because I wasn't there because some idiots decided to kick me out,' Scarlet says. I'm shocked. Did she really just say that. 'Actually I was pulled in because I'm better than you,' I say back. Scarlet looks at Bart giving him a "may I" look. He nods and she yells, 'well actually guess what bitch. You were pulled into Magcon because they needed a girl and I had been "kicked off" by those idiots.' She indicates Shawn, Cam and Matt. 'Then to make it worst they posted a tweet saying that I had been replaced by you. I was hurt. Even though I was mad at them I still wanted to be in Magcon. I stormed round to the Magcon House and yelled at them. Then I slapped Shawn and stormed off home. What they don't know is when I got home I burst into tears. I was seriously upset. I didn't talk to them for a year then I packed up and moved to England. I tried to forget all about them and remake my life but I couldn't. This stupid fighting made me lose my bestest friend and all my other friends. It was to hard so that's why I'm here,' she says tears are now running down her face. The boys looked shocked. Scarlet turns and walks into her room slamming the door.

Shawns POV:

Wow. She left the country to remake her life and forget about us. But she couldn't. I know that it's mostly my fault and I should be the one to check in her but I don't. I can't. She hates me. I was her best friend and we fought for so long that she tried to forget about us.

Cams POV:

I feel like shit. Scarlet moved to England away from any of us just so she could remake her life. We upset her that much that she wanted to leave. I bet she came back to smooth things over and restart but then Nicole ruined it. I don't even know why she's here. I mean I know she's in Magcon now but she's a bitch. I decide to go and talk to Scarlet. 'I'll be back,' I say walking to my room. Which is also Scarlets.

I open the door and see scarlet lying on her bed crying. She looks so small lying there alone. I walk over and she looks up. She sits up and I sit next to her. 'Im sorry,' I say, 'we all are.' 'Its my fault,' she says, 'I'm the one who got all upset about nothing.' 'Yeah but we carried it on and replaced you with that bitch out there,' I say pointing towards the door. I give Scarlet a hug and she hugs me back.

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