Chapter 5: At The Airport

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Scarlets POV:

Beep! Beep! Beep! I wake to the sound of my alarm going off. I really need to change that. I get up and hop in the shower. After my shower I dry my hair, put it into a messy bun and choose some clothes. I decide to wear; a pink and black striped, above-the-knee dress with my pink vans. I do my make up (just some eye shadow and mascara) then pack the rest of my essentials into my bags.

*1 Hour Later*

I arrive at the airport and see the guys all standing with a man. I walk over and say hi. 'Hey,' they all reply. 'I'm Bart,' Bart says. 'Hi,' I say. 'You look nice,' someone whispers in my ear. I spin around and see Carter, Matt, Nash, Shawn and Cam giving me weird looks. 'What,' I ask? 'Oh nothing,' Carter says. 'Well okay then,' I say then walk over to where Taylor, Aaron and the Jacks are standing.

Cams POV:

'Why is she over there with them,' I ask the guys? 'Yeah. why didn't she come over here,' Nash asks? 'She'll come,' Shawn says. We talk for about 5 minutes then Scarlet walks over. She stands next to Shawn, and I notice how little she actually is. Its cute.

Nashs POV:

When Scarlet walks over to us and stands next to Shawn I actually see that shes quite little. I mean I knew she was only 5'4 but when she stands next to Shawn she looks tiny. 'Why are you all looking at me oddly,' Scarlet asks? Shawn laughs then says, 'they're not looking at you. They're looking at the really pretty girl behind you.' She turns around and Shawn silently laughs. She turns back around and sees Shawn laughing. She frowns then walks over to where Cam and I are standing. I look down at her. She looks up then says, 'can you not look down on me. It makes me feel like a midget.' All of the boys laugh and she blushes.  

Shawns POV:

Scarlet starts to blush and we laugh. She looks at me and I wink. She frowns and shakes her head. I laugh. 'Can all passengers heading to Hawaii please board at gate 22,' the person on the intercom asks? Just then Taylor runs over and picks Scarlet up throwing her over his shoulder. She looks freaked out but then she realises its Taylor. 'Taylor,' she screams, 'put me down!' 'Never,' he yells back. He runs towards the gate and all us guys chase after him. Scarlets still screaming for him to put her down while laughing. I guess we must have looked a sight, 8 guys running after Taylor and Scarlet.

Scarlets POV:

As we near the gate Taylor stops and puts me down. 'Thanks for that it was sooo enjoyable,' I say sarcastically. 'Anytime,' he says laughing. I play slap him just as the rest of the guys turn up. 'Are you alright,' Nash asks concerned? 'Aw Nashy cares for me,' I tease and he blushes. I burst out in laughter. As we board the plane I slip my hand into Shawns. He looks at me confused. I whisper, 'I'm afraid of planes,' into his ear. He nods and pulls me closer to him.

*After About 16 Hours*

'Excuse me ladies and gentlemen there has been warning of a storm in Hawaii so we will be landing in Auckland, New Zealand,' the pilot informs us. I look at Shawn and he just shrugs. We land in Auckland and get off the plane. 'Where are we gonna stay,' Aaron asks Bart? 'I've booked us a couple of rooms in "The Hansen Motel" which is a 40 minute drive from the city,' he says. 'Okay,' we all say. We grab our bags and head to the motel. I sit next to Cam and Nash on the way. Because I'm kinda tired I rest my head on Nashs shoulder. 'Aw,' I hear a couple of the guys say as I drift off to sleep.

I'm woken up 1 hour later by Shawn. 'Come on,' he says scooping me up in his arms, 'you can sleep inside.' He carries me into our room and tucks me into bed. 'Night,' he says kissing me lightly on the head. 'Night,' I say back. I drift off to sleep.


I'm in the recording studio when Shawn enters. He grabs my arm and leads me outside. 'What are you doing,' I ask but he interrupts me. I step back. 'What are you doing,' he asks? 'I'm going back inside,' I reply. I go to walk back inside but someone grabs me. I swing out with my arms but the person catches them and spins me around to look at Shawn. 'Guess what,' he jeers? 'What,' I ask? 'I have a surprise for you,' he says and the person holding me leads me to a black car. I'm pushed inside then I see that it was Taylor holding me. I glare at him and he slaps me in the face.

*End of Dream*

I wake with a start and see that the boys are in my room. 'What the heck,' Shawn says? I realise that my cheeks are wet and I explain that it was just a bad dream. Shawn, Cam, Nash and Taylor wrap they're arms around me. Then they let go. I keep my arms wrapped around Shawn crying silently. He rubs my back trying to calm me down.

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