Chapter 9: Later That Night

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Scarlets POV:

I get back from my kind board ride and see that Shawn and Cam are in our room. 'Hey,' I say. 'Hey,' they reply. I can tell by their voices that they're sad. I put Cams longboard down by the end of his bed. I sit down on my own bed and pull out my "The Fault In Our Stars" book. I start reading it and cry silently. I deliberately grabbed this book so it looks like I'm crying at the book but I'm not. I'm crying because I know they're upset with me.

Cams POV:

Scarlet put my longboard back and grabs her book. She sits down on her bed and starts reading. After she's been reading for about 5 minutes she starts to cry. I stand up and tap Shawn on the shoulder. I point at Scarlet and tell him that she's crying again. We both go over and sit on either side of her. We wrap our arms around her. 'Its okay,' Shawn says. 'We aren't upset with you,' I say. She looks up and wipes her eyes. 'Its not okay though,' she says, 'I'm a complete bitch and you guys have every right to be upset with me. I upset you when that fan asked the question.' 'Your not a bitch,' Shawn and I both say. 'Yes I am,' she says, rolling over and putting her face on her pillow. I rub her back. 'Its okay, we aren't upset with you,' I say.

*20 Minutes Later*

Scarlets drifted off to sleep, cuddled up to me. I keep my arm wrapped around her. 'Just stay there,' Shawn says, 'if you move you'll wake her. I'll tell the guys you'll be in later.' 'Okay,' I say as he walks out the room. I feel Scarlet move closer to me. After about 2 hours she wakes up. I'm on my phone and don't realise she's awake until she says, 'I'm sorry.' 'For what,' I ask confused? 'For everything. Ruining today. Being a complete bitch. Everything,' she says. 'Your not a bitch and you haven't ruined anything,' I say. She stands up and goes into the bathroom. After 5 minutes she comes out. Her hair has been re-put up and she's taken her make up off. 'My eyes are all red and puffy,' she says frowning. 'You look fine,' I say laughing. She walks over to the door. 'Im going to apologise to everyone else. You coming,' she asks? I get up and walk out of the room with her. We walk over to Taylor's room (because that's where everyone is). She knocks on the door and walks in.

Scarlets POV:

I walk into Taylor's room and all the guys look at me. I walk over and sit on Aaron's bed. I clear my throat. 'I'm sorry,' I say. The boys look confused. 'For being a complete bitch, hurting your feelings and just ruining your day,' I continue on. Taylor stands up and walks over to me. 'Your not a bitch,' he say. I stand up. 'No. Your right I'm not a bitch, I would be what girls my age call a slut,' I say then run out of the room.

Taylors POV:

'Should we go after her,' I ask? 'Yeah we probably should,' Cam says. We run into Scarlets room and we see her standing in the bathroom. Shawn steps forward. 'Stop,' he yells! Only then do I see that she's holding a razor blade to her arm. She looks at him, drops the blade and runs over. She gives him a hug, crying into his shirt. Her body is shaking and she's really upset. Shawn picks her up and takes her over to her bed. He sits down and puts her on his lap. She keeps her arms wrapped tightly around him still crying. He whispers something to her and she nods. He then looks at us and asks, 'can everyone please get out?' We all walk out.

Scarlets POV:

I told Shawn that I wanted all the boys out. Once the boys are out I get off his lap and he asks, 'why did you have that razor blade?' I answer, 'because I'm ruining your whole trip. I know that some of the boys, including you, like me.' Shawn nods. 'I thought that if I could just erase my self from existince then you could all go back to how it was before they met me,' I continue. 'But...' Shawn says. 'I couldn't bring myself to do it,' I say. Shawn stands up and gives me a hug. 'I just don't want to ruin your friendships,' I say quietly, a tear sliping down my cheek. 'Your not going to ruin our friendships,' he says. 'Yes I am because I'll have to choose one of you and I just can't do that,' I reply.

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