Chapter 14: Drama

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BTW: Shawn came back 2 weeks ago :)

Carters POV:

I've been going out with Scarlet for 1 month. I decide that I'll get her a 1 month anniversary gift. I grab my keys and head out to my car. I drive into town and park in the mall car park. I go inside and head to Scarlets favourite store. I walk in and the sales lady comes over to me. 'Do you need any help sir,' she asks? 'No. I'm okay,' I say. I buy a pink crop top that has "LOVE" written on it. I walk out of the store and head to the food court.

I get there and see Scarlet sitting in one of the booths. She's with another boy. They're laughing about something and she kisses his cheek then he ruffles her hair. I turn around angrily and head to my car. I arrive at the house and storm inside. I sit down on the couch grumpily. 'Whats up,' Matt asks. 'My girlfriends cheating on me, I yell. Just then Shawn, Cam, Taylor and Nash walk in. 'What did you just say,' Nash asks? I tell them what I saw and they all go quiet.

Scarlets POV:

I get Liam to drop me off at the Magcon House. I unlock the door with my spare key. 'Hey,' I call out. No reply. Odd. The guys are all sitting in the lounge. I sit down next to Carter. I give him a kiss on the cheek. 'Hey,' I say again. No one answers. 'Fine then snob me,' I say standing up. 'Wait,' Carter says. 'Well that got your attention,' I say. 'Are you cheating on me,' he asks? 'What,' I ask confused? 'Don't lie to me,' he says angrily. 'I'm not,' I yell. 'I saw you with another guy earlier,' Carter accuses, 'you seemed pretty happy. Am I no good for you now?' 'You were the best boyfriend ever,' I say, 'and I was with my older brother getting you a present.' 'You have a brother,' Carter asks? 'Yeah. There's a lot of things you don't know about me,' I say tears streaming down my face, 'like that my parents died 2 years ago and that's why I'm living with my brother.' 'Oh,' he says. I turn and walk towards the door. I throw the present on the couch next to him. Before I exit the house I say, 'I have a concert tomorrow night if you want to go.' Then I walk outside slamming the door behind me. I hear yelling but I don't even care.

Cams POV:

So did Scarlet just break up with Carter? I'm literally so confused? What just happened? 'What the hell,' Matt yells. 'What just happened,' Nash asks? 'You broke her,' Shawn yells, 'you just f***ing broke her!' He storms up the stairs into his room. I decide to get up and go find him. I walk upstairs. I see that Shawn bedroom door is open. He's lying in his bed strumming his guitar. 'Im going to find Scarlet. You coming,' I ask. 'Yep,' he says getting up. We walk downstairs and out the door.

Carters POV:

I pick up the box that Scarlet threw on the couch. I open it. It's a photo album. I open the first page. It's all us guys with Scarlet at Magcon. I feel tears slip down my cheeks. Matt rubs my back. I turn the page and its a photo of her and I cuddled up on the couch. I cried even harder and put the book down. I can't look at anymore.

Shawns POV:

We get to Scarlets house. I knock on the door and Liam answers. 'Can we come in,' I ask. 'Sure,' he says stepping aside, 'she's in her room.' We walk into the house and up to her room. The door is open and we see her lying on her bed. She's got music playing. As we enter she looks up. Her eyes are all red and puffy.

Scarlets POV:

I hear someone enter my room. I look up and see Cam and Shawn standing there. 'What,' I ask? 'We just came to check on you and see if your alright,' Cam says. 'Do I look alright,' I ask. Shawn walks over and embraces me in a hug. Cam stands awkwardly for a moment then walks over and hugs me too. I let go and put my face in my pillow. 'Did I just break up with him,' I ask sadly? 'I think so,' Cam says. I sob even harder into my pillow. The boys rub my back.

We talk for ages (2 hours) then Liam walks in. 'Ariels downstairs,' he says. I get up. 'Who's Ariel,' Cam asks? 'My half-sister,' Shawn says, 'also Scarlets other Best Friend.' 'Oh,' Cam says. I run downstairs and Ariel gives me a massive hug. 'Hey Shawn,' Ariel says. 'Hey,' he replies. Ariel then focuses on me. We walk into the lounge and we sit down on the couch. 'So tell me what happened,' Ariel asks? I explain and she nods. 'So on a scale of 1 to 10 how much does it hurt,' she asks me? 'Is 11 an option,' I ask only half joking. There's an awkward silence that follows. It's broken by Liam asking, 'Do you need pizza and ice-cream?' I nod. 'Vanilla or Chocolate please,' I ask. He leaves and Shawn puts on a movie. We all cuddle up on the couch. It turns out we are watching "High School Musical".

Liam turns up 30 minutes later with food. I pause the movie and grab the pizza. I take it into the lounge and we snack out on it. I put the movie back on. Soon after Liam brings in the ice-cream. Ariel and I share the Vanilla tub and the boys share the chocolate one.

The movie finished ages ago and we all played truth and dare. I look at the clock. It's 9pm. 'We should get going,' Shawn and Cam say. 'Just stay the night,' I say. 'Okay,' they agree. We head up to my room. Ariel and I share my double bed and the boys sleep on the floor.

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