Chapter 21: An Australian Tour

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Scarlets POV:

I haven't spoken to the boys in a week. I could continue like this for ages but I have to go to Australia with them. To be perfectly honest I don't want to see them. I get out of bed and do my usual shower routine. I get dressed into; a pink dress, a white cardi, with my white ballet flats. I walk downstairs. 'You excited for today,' Liam asks me? 'Nope,' I say unenthusiastically. 'Come on,' Liam says, 'you can't hold a grudge forever.' 'Yes I can and I will,' I say.

*3 Hours Later*

Liam drops me off at the airport. 'Have fun,' he says giving me a hug. 'See you in a month,' I say hugging him back. God I'll miss him. I go over to where Bart is standing. 'Hey,' I say. 'Hey Scarlet,' he says, 'none of the others are here yet.' I'm fine with that I think to myself. Then they turn up. They all come over to where Bart and I are. 'Hey Scarlet,' Matt says. I walk off not acknowledging any of them.

Matts POV:

Rude. She totally just ignored me. I don't even know why she's mad. If anyone has a reason to be mad it should be me! I look at Shawn. 'She's shut us out,' is all he says. I sigh. She walks away from us with watery eyes. God I want to hug her and tell her everything is alright.

Scarlets POV:

I walk away from Cam, Shawn and Matt with tears in my eyes. I go and sit by myself on one of the chairs just as tears threaten to spill over. The person on the intercom tells us to go to the gate so we can board our plane. We get given our tickets. Oh lucky me I'm sitting next to Cam! *Note the sarcasm.* We board the plane and I get out my headphones. I plug them into my phone and turn on my music.

*6 Hours Later*

I must have fallen asleep because I'm woken by Cam gently shaking my shoulder. I open my eyes and sigh. Cam looks so attractive right now. I mentally face palm myself. No Scarlet you can't like him. Your mad at him remember?

Cams POV:

Scarlet looks so cute when she sleeps. I didn't want to wake her but our plane had landed so yeah... When she wakes up she sighs. She stands up and stretches her legs. Damn she looks amazing. Like seriously she just woke up and she looks stunning. Her hair is still perfect and her makeup hasn't smudged at all!

We get off the plane and I hear her yell, 'Troye!' She sprints over to a boy standing near the cafe. She gives him a massive hug and is smiling heaps. She looks so happy. I take a closer look at the boy and realise its Troye Sivan. They wander over to the baggage claim and she grabs her suitcases. Then they walk over to where Bart is standing. 'Im staying with Troye while we're in Perth,' I hear her say. 'Okay m,' Bart replies. Troye and Scarlet walk off leaving us boys there with Bart.

Scarlets POV:

'I've missed you so much,' I say to Troye. 'I know,' he says. We are sitting in his car driving to his house. I can't wait to see my family. For so long it's just been me and Liam so it's good I get to see my cousins. We arrive I leap out of the car. 'Wow are you that excited,' Troye asks laughing. 'Yes,' I say. We go inside and I see Sage in the kitchen. I run up behind her. 'Hey,' I say, making her jump. 'Hey Scarlet,' she says and we hug. 'Tyde,' Troye yells, 'Scarlets here!' Tyde runs down the stairs. 'Hey he says embracing me in a hug. I step back and realise how tall he is. I actually have to look up at him. I frown and he laughs. 'This is Ally,' he says wrapping his arms around a pretty blonde haired girl. 'Hi,' I say. 'Hey,' she replies.

I get a call. I look at the caller I.D and see its Shawn. I don't answer. I'm not in the mood to hear him apologise for everything. Tyde and Ally go back up stairs and I'm left with Troye and Sage. 'Whats wrong,' Troye asks? 'Nothing,' I say faking a smile. 'Dont lie,' he says, 'I know something's wrong.' I walk into the lounge and sit down on the couch. They follow me in. I tell them about what happened on my birthday and how I haven't spoken to any of them since. They listen and then Sage says, 'your gonna have to talk to them at some stage.' 'I know,' I say sighing.

Troye helps me take my stuff into the spare room. Once done I change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I lie down on my bed and check twitter. There's a few tweets from Matt, some from Nash, other random ones. Then one catches my eye. There's a photo attached to it. I look at the photo. It's of our Magcon group (me included)in Hawaii. The tweet is; I really wish Magcon was back together posted by @ShawnMendes. I turn off my phone and hop into bed as its 10pm.

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