Chapter 4: A Fantastic Surprise

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Scarlets POV:

Shawn clears his throat. Cam and I stop throwing pillows at each other and look at him. 'So..., he starts off, 'well I was contacted by Bart the other day.' I interrupt, 'who's Bart?' 'The organiser of Magcon,' Nash says. 'Anyway,' Shawn says, 'he told me to tell you that we are going to Hawaii for another Magcon.' 'Wait...,' I say, 'why am I here then?' Shawn looks at me as if I'm stupid or something. 'What,' I ask? He still looks at me stupidly. I stand up and hit him on the arm. 'Stop being stupid and think,' he says rubbing his arm. I think. After about 5 minutes Shawn says, 'your coming with us!' 'Oh,' I say. The guys all get up and we group hug. 'Um..., guys. I kinda have to go home now,' I say heading towards the door.

*At Home*

I get home, go into my room and turn on my laptop. I soon realise that Shawn never told me when we're leaving I text him.


Sc- Heeeey

S- Hey

Sc- You never told me when we're leaving :)

S- Oh. Tomorrow at 10am

Sc- What!!

S- Yeah. See you tomorrow.

Sc- Bye

*End of Texting*

I get up from my desk and find my suitcases. I pack my suitcases and decide to make some pancakes. I walk downstairs and hear the TV get turned on. 'Liam,' I call out, 'is that you?' No reply. I grab a pan from the shelf and walk into the lounge. I see Cam, Nash, Matt and Shawn sitting on my couch. 'What the heck,' I yell causing them to jump in fright. I walk over and softly hit Shawn on the head with the pan. Why are you here,' I ask? 'Just thought we'd come round and see you,' he answers. 'You literally just saw me 45 minutes ago,' I say laughing. They all laugh. I walk into the kitchen and pull out the pancake mix. After making my pancakes I walk into the lounge. The boys are still in there. I sit down and they all look at me with pleading eyes. 'No,' I say, 'make your own.' 'But we're the guests here you make them,' Shawn says cheekily. 'Well... I didn't invite you,' I point out, 'you invited yourselves.' I start eating MY pancakes when Matt steals some. I slap his hand away, 'I said get your own.' He laughs and steals a bit more. I stand up and walk to the other side of the room.

*A few hours later*

Matt, Shawn, Nash and Cam all left about 1 hour ago. I hop into my pjs and get into bed. I set my alarm for 8am so I can get ready for our plane ride.

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