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In his black t-shirt, the gangster stands with his gun in hand - his dark eyes blazing with a pestilent fire. My wary gaze can't unlatch from the chocolate brown irises that can't tear from Beth's own gaze which stands before him.

But I don't think I've ever seen Rio's eyes flicker with such a raw anger.

The cold rope is still tied around either wrist of mine, as the sleek steel chair is hard and uncomfortable beneath my bottom. I peer my perceptive eyes down to the shattered glass on the floor that slipped from Beth's fingers just seconds ago. Then I flick my gaze back to Rio - who licks his blood stained lips momentarily.

And I can't help but for the half taunting, half hopeful thought to occur to me: if Rio will really pull that trigger or not.

Dwelling in my inner thoughts, I try managing to get the rope from around either wrist, all the while. But it's almost impossible; the thick rope just keeps resisting against my burning skin.

"Put the gun down." I hear Beth break the silence lingering alongside the tension in the room. I jolt my attention onto her, who now stands with her hands up in a surrendering fashion.

Across from her, Rio stays aiming his pistol in her direction - the angles of his face still hardened and tensed. His gaze is lethally penetrating her.

"What makes you think I'm gonna listen to you?" Rio starts, his tone abrupt. The gangster licks his full lips for moisture, a moment, before they part yet again. "You must want me to lose it." I watch the gangster's lips curve, forming a smirk.

"You had some nerve taking her from the lobby like that..." He adds huskily, his eyes finally peering over to me a brief moment, before they meet the red head's again, "taking her from me like that." He finishes lowly.

"Rio put the gun-" Beth's stern voice is interjected by a sudden gunshot - before Rio quickly aimed around her to warn her tense frame.

I scream in my seat, jerking over from the bullet's proximity. The bullet was inches from Beth's shoulder, feet away from my captive frame.

"Rio stop it!" I yell, narrowing my gaze toward him. My breath is increased after the sudden shot from Rio's gun. The gangster averts his brown irises, that are clouded with darkness, over to me, and for a moment I think I notice him swallow - before his structures soften as he searches my eyes from across the room.

I release a breath, and he eventually targets the gun's front sight on Beth once again.

"For crying out loud just untie me!" I raise my tone at the tense red head, whom in seconds later turns to face me. Her ocean irises lock onto mine, before she rushes over. I glance over to the gangster who finally lowers his gun.

And I don't avert my gaze from his own as Beth squats to remove the rope from my wrists.

I suck in a smooth breath, when I deliberately glimpse at Beth before my figure. I've been wondering all night, since their encounter, of how Rio and her know each other. She never answered my question from earlier, and it's crawling under my skin.

I swallow softly, my lips parting before she meets my brown irises. "You're with the other gang, the ones that came down from Puerto Rico. How can you know Rio if that's where you live?" I ask softly, in whisper.

Beth takes in a breath, when she responds quietly. "Rio and I went to Puerto Rico before. I decided to stay, he didn't." She says, her ocean eyes never peeling from mine and twinkling with something unreadable. And just then, my insides feel as if they've twisted after her words.

Once she finishes the last rope, I watch her come to a stand, before she turns around again to face the gangster.

My heart feels as though it's skipped countless beats, when I firmly stand upright after her.

I immediately feel my own jaw set when I glance at Rio - who's own stained blood still canvases his left cheek by a smudge. The gangster's dark brown eyes burn into my own, from afar, but I stay in place.

I watch Beth walk up to him - her black heels clicking against the wooden floor being the only sound to linger in the thick air. And I watch her taller frame stop just inches from Rio's side.

I don't like it, I don't like their close proximity at all. Instant distaste suffices as I watch the red head carefully - blocking out everything else around me.

"I gave 'em the thirty grand, the deal's done. Go." The gangster instead, speaks first, his tone low and impatient. Beth arches a brow, her red lips tugging up in surprise.

"Now. Get out." Rio adds domineeringly, abundantly low, his jaw hardened as he still clutches onto his lowered gun. The entire time his dark eyes are finding the floor below, never flicking over to Beth's own.

"Take good care of her." She whispers - but I catch it. "She's a keeper; Mary." She gestures toward my standing frame, when Rio's thick brows furrow in utter confusion at the sound of my false name.

Hurriedly, I purse my lips to suppress the amused laughter threatening to escape. And finally, Beth exits the house, her heels stepping out onto the front porch before she disappears into the night afterward.

I meet Rio's twinkling gaze, before I glance down a moment. I examine my own balled fists, when I stretch out my fingers. Both palms are pierced - puny moon shaped marks are surfacing my cold skin.

I did that?

I clear my throat, reverting my brown eyes onto the gangster who hasn't moved from the open doorway, yet. I begin in my deliberate steps toward him.

And finally, when I land just feet away from his standing and taller frame, the lulling proximity comforts me. We stand parted, in silence.

Past his clothed shoulders, I catch sight of two men sprawled out onto the steps of the porch. They must've been the guards Beth spoke of only minutes ago - that Rio took care of.

I flutter my brown eyes toward Rio again, who watches me intently - his own chocolate brown irises searching my own with a familiar longing.

Then, he starts in his smooth steps, and within the blink of an eye he stops firmly before me. My feet are glued to the floor, when he instantly pulls me in; his strong and embracive arms wrapping around me.

I'm washed in his comforting fresh scent, that hints perspiration. I close my eyes, when my arms finally embrace him in turn, my head resting against his hard chest. He's hugging me tight - tighter than he ever has.

And against him, close, I can't help but for the familiar voice to surface and creep back into my mind again. I wish I could rid it, but how can I now?

'Rio and I went to Puerto Rico before.' I remember Beth inform me. 'I decided to stay, he didn't.' She said to me.

And I can't ignore the questions that now wander. Why did they go? Is it even true? If so, why did they even go there...together?

Beth's words can be true - it would explain a lot.

I squeeze my closed eyes tighter, against the gangster's hovering body.

I didn't want to admit it, I didn't want to think it. But this unfamiliar feeling is just too inevitable, I can't push it aside. My chest is heavy, my throat is tight, guts turning.

Jealousy; it's such a sadistic feeling. I despise it, and how it can become so overwhelming within a person.

Either of my perspiring palms are pressed against Rio's toned back - when really all I want to do now is remove my grasp from him...and pull away.


I know it's been three dang days but i'M bAcK.

Q: Who has seen the season 2 finale of GG? Thoughts?

Lots of love,


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