Nightmares (Sasuke x OC)

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Third POV

Sasuke's fingers twitched as he slept. He couldn't help it. Not with the dream he was having.

Sasuke's dream*

Sasuke's POV

Itachi plunged his katana into our mother's stomach and took it out, blood dripping from its blade as her now lifeless body dropped to the floor. Here I was as a kid again. Watching my brother slaughter our family before my eyes. I couldn't stop the tears from flowing. "Why, Nii-san? Why?!"

His red eyes regarded me with contempt and I couldn't believe that this was the same Itachi who had smiled and been happy with his family. He put me in a genjutsu and I collapsed.

When I woke up, I was older but back in the Uchiha chief household. There was dry blood on the walls and the shadows seemed to stretch longer and thinner, casting inhuman shapes on the walls of what used to be my home.  I heard a whimper and drew my katana, Sharingan activated. I followed the sound to a room that hadn't been tainted with Uchiha blood. What I saw made my heart drop to my feet.

Tameka was bound to a chair and gagged, fear clear in her doe-brown eyes. Itachi stood behind her, katana aimed at her heart. "It is a shame, little brother. The one thing that'll always be your weakness... Is sitting right before you, ready to die." "Itachi, leave Tameka out of this. She's got nothing to do with the situation between us."

"In order for you to kill me, you must hate me. I thought I had achieved that by taking the lives of your family members but I soon realised that that wasn't enough. I had to strike close to your heart..."

All of a sudden, I was in a forest. It was the dead of night and no sound stirred the silence. There was a rush of air to my left and I swung my sword, hitting something that grunted in response. I turned to see Itachi and felt disappointed. It shouldn't have been that easy. All of a sudden, Itachi changed into Tameka.

"Sasuke, how could you?!" she cried as blood flowed out of her side. "I thought you loved me but you just proved that I meant nothing to you." My heart broke and I fell to her side, putting pressure to the wound to try and stop the bleeding. She pushed me away, "Don't touch me!" "Tameka, please. Forgive me," I pleaded, my voice threatening to crack as she continued to fight me before gasping in pain and falling to the ground, eyes dull and lifeless. I held her in my arms and cried, trying desperately to bring her back but it was too late. She was gone. And her blood was literally on my hands. I started to rock back and forth, cradling her as tears rolled down my cheeks. I was bloodied but I didn't care. All I wanted was my love to come back to me.

The forest melted but I still held Tameka in my arms, except now, the wound wasn't in her side but where her heart was. Itachi looked at me in contempt - the same contempt as the night he massacred our clan. "Pathetic," he said before leaving. Leaving me alone with the body of my dead wife. My wife who I believed I had killed...

In the real world

Third POV

"Tameka, please. Forgive me," Sasuke whimpered in his sleep, gripping the sheets as tears rolled down his face. Tameka woke up to see her husband crying and begging for forgiveness. "Sasuke," she shook his shoulder. No response. "Sasuke, wake up." She kept on shaking him til his eyes shot open and he looked around frantically.

When his eyes met hers, he locked his arms around her waist and buried his face in her shoulder, shoulders shaking with his violent sobs. Tameka held him as she rubbed his back soothingly. She knew the nightmares tended to take him and shake his tough foundation and she had told him before that she was there to comfort him, especially in his times of weakness.

He lifted his head and she kissed his forehead before sweetly pecking his lips. She put her forehead against his and he sighed. She gently wiped his tears away and smiled softly when they looked into each other's eyes, "Its okay, Sasuke. It's okay." He cupped her face and kissed her, wanting to feel her close to him more than anything else.

She pulled away for a bit, breathless, "Are you sure?" He nodded wordlessly and she kissed him. He slowly pushed her down and got on top of her, settling between her legs as he slid her nightie off her body, leaving her beautiful body bare for him to see. He lovingly kissed her jaw, neck and shoulders, peppering her chocolate skin with dark love marks to show she was his.

Her fingers found the edge of his shirt and she pulled it off of him, tracing his perfect chest. He dragged his pants down and kicked them to the floor. They removed the rest of their garments and he cupped her breast, placing open-mouthed kisses around her nipple before licking it and blowing cold air at it. "Sasuke..." she moaned, tugging on the soft hair near the nape of his neck to get his attention.

He looked up from his work, drinking in the sight of his wife spread out beautifully beneath him, eyes half-lidded and clouded with lust in response to his sensual touches, chest rising and falling with her panting. "Yes, my love?" he whispered in her ear, hot breath fanning her hair and neck. She held his face and looked him in the eye, her brown orbs meeting his onyx ones, "I love you. Know that. I'll never leave you."

He smiled and kissed her forehead softly, "I love you too." He laced their fingers and placed their hands above her head as he entered her, sighs of completion leaving their lips. He started moving his hips, slowly at first for them to savour it, then he gradually picked up the pace to increase their pleasure.

She was a moaning mess beneath him - breathless as he continued to steal kisses from her swollen lips. Her walls suddenly clenched around him and her back arched, "Sasuke, right there!" He was now gripping the sheets as he pounded into her, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he neared his climax.

Her nails dug into his shoulders as she came - not deep enough to break the skin but enough to leave some marks. She held onto him as he buried himself to the hilt, groaning as he shot his load into her womb.

He gently put some of his weight on her, bracing himself using his elbows as he brushed her hair from her face. He then pulled out of her and lay by her side, head on her chest, the corners of his mouth turning up in a small smile as he listened to the calming beat of her heart. She was alive, with him, here and now, and he would cherish that.

She placed a loving kiss on his hair and stroked it until he fell asleep in her embrace, her own eyes closing from exhaustion. He would tell her his nightmare in the morning, she decided, and slipped into dreamland.

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