Party People (Naruto x Fem!Reader x Sasuke) Modern AU

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Hey guys. I got the idea for this one from a NaruSasu fic I read recently. If you are someone who likes this pairing, I suggest reading the fic. It's called Sexually Bad and it was written by @Naruto_Lover23. It's a modern AU. Anyway, enjoy!


You walked up the driveway with your friend Temari. You were new in the neighborhood and had been invited by Tenten to the party that was being held at the Uzumaki household. Everywhere you turned, you could see people drinking, dancing, making out and a whole bunch of other stuff. When you walked through the door, you were met by the pounding beat of music playing through the giant bass speakers at the other end of the room where a DJ was killing it on the turntables.

The place was filled with the smell of alcohol and sweat as bodies ground against each other in rhythm to the music that seemed to enter right into their bones. When you turned to comment the place Temari was nowhere to be found. You sighed and made your way to a couch in a far corner where you sat and boredly played games on your phone. Not before long, a guy with dark hair in a duck's ass hairstyle came up to you and offered his hand to dance. You shrugged, put your phone away and took it. He led you into the throng of people and pulled you against him, hands on your waist.

Your POV

I know I just met this guy and we hadn't even spoken but damn- the guy could dance. Even through the thin fabric of his black short-sleeved shirt I could feel the contours of his well-defined muscles against my back. I can't say I wasn't interested. As we swayed to the music, I felt a presence in front of me. I opened my eyes to find a guy with messy blonde hair and whisker marks on his cheeks checking me out as he danced in front of me. The grip on my waist tightened and I felt the vibration of my partner's voice emanating from his chest, "Go find your own, Naruto."

'Naruto' smirked, "Come on, Sasuke. I'm sure we could share. Besides, her front must be freezing. I'm here to warm it up!" I facepalmed and laughed at his lame joke and both turned to me. "What's your name?" Sasuke asked. "What? You've been dancing with her for almost thirty minutes and you don't even know her name? Sasuke, that is messed up," Naruto laughed. Wait a minute, so he'd been watching? Okay... Not weird at all. Sasuke turned red and I smiled. "Y/n," I supplied. He nodded thankfully and turned to the smirking blonde, "Go on. Ask her, Mr Too-Cool-For-School."

"Who do you wanna dance with, Y/n?"

I looked between the two and smirked. "That isn't a choice." "So you'll take us both?" I shrugged, the double meaning not lost on me. "Don't see any harm in that." "Dibs on her back!" I heard Sasuke say. I arched an eyebrow. He smirked and pulled me against him, "Can't say I'm sorry. You got a nice ass." I elbowed him in the stomach and he chuckled. Naruto came in front of me so I was now almost sandwiched between the two guys. We got lost in the music and after a while I went to get myself some water from the kitchen, tired from all the work of keeping both guys happy.

As I took a sip of my water, two girls came up to me. One had short pink hair and green eyes and the other had long blonde hair in a ponytail and blue eyes. They were actually kinda pretty. Pinky crossed her arms over her stomach and planted her feet. "Who the hell do you think you are to be dancing with Sasuke?"  I glanced in her direction, "You his girlfriend?" Her right eye ticked and I smirked, "Thought as much."

I made to go back to the dance floor and Pinky grabbed my elbow. I looked at her hand with a glare, "Bitch, don't." "Just stay away from Sasuke and we won't have a problem." She let go and I put a hand on my hip, "First actually have something before staking your claim on it." She made a face and took a couple of steps before the blonde put a hand on her shoulder, "Leave it, Sakura. She's not worth it." With a huff they went the opposite direction and I continued with my journey of pushing through the crowd to where I left the guys. That is, if they were still there. Otherwise, it was back to the couch for me. I found them and caught Naruto saying, "Since I asked her the first question, you're asking this time."

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