Chapter 42

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A/N: This is the last chapter of this book. I sincerely hope you've enjoyed this wild and crazy ride as much as I enjoyed writing it. This was written way back in about 2007 so forgive the horrible writing. I hope I've come a long way since then! :D

** KIA'S POV **

Mick suggested we at least go say hi. Stephanie smiled broadly at us as I sighed but picked up the eldest girl. James sat the other atop his shoulders which made the girl giggle uncontrollably.

"Hey there Kia! How's it going?" Chantal questioned, pulling me into her arms for a friendly hug

"I'm doing fantastic! Busy, but good!" I chuckled

I could tell Corey was intrigued.

"Who are these cute little girls?" Missy asked as her and Chris approached us

"This one is Zoe Elise and the one sitting on James is Chloe Marie." I said, introducing everyone since nobody knew we had gotten pregnant again

"They are so cute! How's work going?" Chantal asked

"Busy as hell!" I laughed, "But I'm about to go free-lance. I'm bringing in more money to the company I'm with now than they know what to do with. I'll make more money and get to choose my assignments by going free-lance. And still get to work from home!"

"Sounds exciting!" Missy giggled

"How old are the girls?" Joey asked

I'm not sure when he had walked up but he was soaking wet. Probably came out of the wave pool or something!

"They just had their first birthday about a month ago." James happily replied

"They look just like you Jim!" Clown exclaimed with a wide smile, "And Tristen actually looks kind of like Mick."

"Well they do look like their fathers!" I chuckled

"So what exactly are you doing for work?" Chris inquired

I'd sat down since Zoe wanted to run around with her sister. Griffin loved being an Uncle and had to sit down with all three of my children and talk to them.

"I'm doing some graphic design to help support us while I work on making it as a graphic novelist. As always, I'm sketching and painting." I replied

"Oh really? Perhaps you could show me some of your work sometime!" Clown stated as one of their children walked up

"I'd be happy too!" I smiled before instinctively looking around for my own kids, "As a matter of fact all the paintings in our house were done by me and I have a small shed full of paintings just sitting there."

"I would love to come by and look at what you've done." The eldest 'Knot smiled at me in that Fatherly way.

"I'd love to show you what all I've done in the last couple years!" I smiled back.

Tristen was wanting to go down one of the slides so I told my lovers where we were going. Mick laughed as his son laughed and squealed in delight. Griffin followed us wanting to go to one of the other slides near where we were going. This was not a slide for the little kids but the operating said if I kept a good hold on him we could go down together. My crazy three-year old just squealed happily as we slid down the long, winding slide. Unbeknownst to me, Mick was getting some pictures of us!

As we came up from the water, poor Tristen gasped for air. Once he was sure he wasn't drowning, he kept asking to go down the slide again. It made me laugh. Mick said he'd take the boy and then handed me his camera. I watched as my Big Bear and my son made the trek to the top of the slide so they could have their fun together. I was thankful to get some great shots of Mick and Tristen. When the pair emerged from the water, with both smiling and laughing, Tristen ran out of the pool and straight for me. He was so animated!

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