Chapter 36

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At dinner later that evening I found myself happily situated in between Mick & James. Of course, Corey had to be a complete ass about things and keep shooting the two men nasty looks. Here I was thinking HE was the adult! As I was chatting with Chris about something Corey's loud voice could be heard yelling at someone about being a "home-wrecking cock sucker". Sighing heavily, I scooted past James to see what the trouble was. Naturally he was having an argument with Mick by the bathrooms. I stood between the pair hoping that would at least get my dad to back off.

Oh no, two men with very big egos are hard to calm down! #8 tried to slap Mick but I grabbed my dad's arm before he could get to Mick. 'This isn't the way to settle your problems' I tried telling them. Not that it did any good. Mick had something smart and very nasty to say which only infuriated my dad even more. Mick told me to move but I didn't listen. Damn Taylor stubbornness and all! They began to try and scuffle right there in the restaurant but I wedge myself between them. Until Corey shoved me out of the way. I hit my right side on a sharpish metal bar. I yelled in pain which immediately got James' and Mick's attention.

"Kia? Baby, what's wrong?" James asked as soon as he got to me

"My side.... fucking hurts!" I stated, silent tears slipping down my cheeks

"Come on, Precious. Let's get you back to the bus. I can look at you better there." James stated, glaring at Corey

"What?! I didn't want her to get hurt!" Corey piped up as Mick gave him a very nasty, threatening glare

I heard someone ask what happened as James helped me back to the bus. It was hard to breath and my side hurt tremendously. Mostly, though, I was worried about the impact of the hit to my stomach on my unborn child.

"James.... my stomach." I stated, heart racing

"Did you hit directly with your stomach? Or was it mostly your side?" He questioned as we made it to the back lounge

"Mostly my side, I think. But my tummy hurts too. And it's hard to breathe." I replied sniffling as James pulled my shirt over my head to get a better look

"You know I don't mean to hurt you, but this might hurt. Ok? I love you. And I'm very sorry." He stated as he ran his hand over the red spot on my side

I screamed in pain again which made him frown.

"Jim? Is she...." Chris stated as he walked in

"We need to get her to a hospital. I think she broke a rib." James replied

"Oh damn." Chris stated staring at me

"Hey. How's Kia?" Mick questioned, pushing Chris out of the way to check on me

"Like I just told Chris, we need to get her to a hospital because I think she broke a rib. I lightly touched her side where she hit that bar and she screamed like a banshee." James explained

"Oh Little One. I'm sorry." Mick stated solemnly

"It wasn't your fault. Corey's just acting like a dick. Must be stress from the wedding & all getting to him." I replied as James helped me back into my shirt

"I'll go let everyone know we need to make a pit stop." Chris stated before hastily leaving the room

"I really am sorry. I didn't mean for you to get hurt." Mick quietly said before pulling me into a kiss

"I know. Guess I just hit with the right force at just the right spot." I said before wincing in pain

James & Mick tried their best to keep me calm and as relaxed as possible until we arrived at the hospital. I was so worried about the baby and the pain I was in was getting worse. It was pretty hard to breath, and crying like I was wasn't helping matters, which didn't help my fear and paranoia. Before I knew it the bus was slowing down. James picked me up, which made me scream out in pain and cry harder, and quickly made his way off the bus. Everyone had gathered outside from both busses and just looked on as the two tallest members of the band rushed me into the hospital.

I heard James explain what had transpired and what was going on with me. Well, about me being pregnant. I was quickly rushed upstairs for testing. The doctors knew I was pregnant but I asked the doctors and nurses not to say anything to my father. Since I was 18 already, they had to honor my request. I had blood work done before the doctor said I should be taken for x-rays. Immediately I voiced my concerns since I was pregnant but he reassured me the risk was small and that it was needed. Sighing, I let the nurse help me into a wheel chair.

The nurse was quite helpful and easy with me as she helped me into each position I was to be in to have all the x-rays taken. They even took me to have a Cat scan and MRI done to make sure of what was going on. About two hours later I was finally wheeled back into the exam room. James was the only one there although I could hear Corey arguing with someone about me. I sighed heavily as the nurse and my tallest lover helped me back onto the table. She smiled at me before telling me that the doctor would be back in to see me after the test results came back.

Apparently, dad was wanting to come back into the exam room with me but James & Mick were adamant he shouldn't. One nurse finally came back to ask me if I wanted him with me and I told her I didn't want #8 anywhere near me at the moment. She nodded before turning and walking away. James got a text and smiled. He told me #6 & the guys were worried about me and wanted to know if we'd heard anything.

A miracle happened. About an hour after the bloodwork and scans & x-rays, all the tests came back! I thought we'd be here for several, several hours but the Gods of Rock were watching over me today! The doctor came in with the nurse and looked between James, who had wrapped his arms very gently around me, and I. He explained I had two fractured ribs but they weren't broken. I was to take it very easy while my ribs healed on their own. The nurse handed me a packet of information about fractured ribs, having fractured bones while pregnant, and how to help my ribs heal more effectively.

I was being released with some pain medication that I could take, due to being pregnant and all, and instructions to take it easy. No lifting, running, unnecessary walking, nothing strenuous at all. James promised I would be taking it easy for the duration I was supposed to. The nurse smiled at me as the doctor talked more to James about my condition and what I am and am not allowed to do. I was finally allowed to get dressed after the nurse wrapped my ribs with a compress. Not sure what the hell that's supposed to do but who am I to judge the medical professionals?!

I was wheeled outside to the awaiting busses where everyone had convened at. Mick looked up expectantly as James helped me onto the bus. A million questions were fired at me but all I wanted to do was go lay down. James helped me into his bunk and made sure I was settled before he left me to go answer questions.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Please vote and review :)

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