Chapter 35

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All he could do was watch as I stalked outside. Silent tears were running down my cheeks. How dare he even begin to say shit like that! Why the hell can't he just be happy for me? For us?! How can he sit there and say he forbids me from doing something? Hasn't he learned by now what a stubborn bitch I am? Hasn't he learned that I'll do what I want anyways? Why can't he be happy for me?!

"Shhh, sugar, it's ok. You've still got us." James quietly stated as he pulled me into a tight hug.

I hate fighting with him! Our lifestyle... them both dating me, being with me, sharing me.... it must not make sense to him. How could I show him just how happy the two of them make me? How could I make him see how good each of them in their own right is for me? Sitting down on the seat of James' car I began to wonder how long this fight is going to last. Especially since we are supposed to going on tour in two weeks! Being on the road is stressful enough without fighting with someone on top of that. I'm not sure how I'll be able to deal with being on the road as this pregnancy goes on. Or even how I'll hide it from Corey!

What am I going to do? I am over the age of 18. It's not like I want this out in the open. Well, everyone knows about me and James. It shocked the hell out of them but they were cool with it. I'm not sure how anyone would react to what else is going on. Or how they'll react when it finally comes out about my pregnancy. Fuck, how the hell did my life get so fucking stressful? As hard as I tried, I couldn't stop the tears from flowing down my face. We finally made it to our home. As soon as I'd stepped out of the car, Mick picked me up bridal style and carried me into our home. I buried my face in his neck breathing in his wonderful scent.

He set me on the couch while James made some peppermint tea for me. Mick grabbed two beers for them. A few tears still trickled down my face but I had calmed down a good bit. We stayed silent for a while. I sat back thinking of what Corey had said. I know he was wrong about them just tossing me aside. Sighing heavily seem to bring my two lovers out of whatever they had been thinking.

"He'll come around, just gotta give him time." Mick stated, breaking the silence

"It's never good to talk to him when he's angry. He doesn't listen and basically shuts everyone down." James added

"I just.... this tour with him is going to be so hard." I quietly stated, earning a head nod from James

"Yeah but at least that's one less thing we have to worry about him finding out. And on the bright side, he doesn't know where we live." Mick stated

"Good point. But how are we going to hide my growing belly? It won't be too long before it becomes noticeable." I replied

"Well for now we're safe. If nothing else, hideaway in your, err James', bunk and wear bigger clothing." Mick replied

"Maybe that'll work. But you've got band mates who are very observative. I won't be able to hide for long." I told the pair

"Don't fret, Precious. You've got us both to protect you and look after you. I understand he cares for you and is trying to keep you from getting hurt. At the same time, he has to understand you're an independent, very intelligent woman. No matter what the rest of the band says, you'll always have us." James said, moving my head so he could look into my eyes

What James told me brought tears to my eyes. James pulled me to him which only made the tears fall more freely. A minute or so later I felt Mick's hands on me too. They were silent but the simple gesture went a long way. I finally found myself being carefully laid down on the leather couch. My head was resting on someone's leg. I assumed it was Mick's since I could hear one of his favorite video games being started up. My eyes were closed and I slowly drifted off into a troubled sleep.

My Dad was still having a hard time with our relationship. Stephanie, however, was much more understanding and open to how we were living. I kept her up-to-date on the things I was doing even though I was sure she would tell my Dad if he asked her. My nerves were acting up today. Slipknot had finished their last tour and Stone Sour were not scheduled to go into the studio for another month & a half. James had convinced me to let him come over. We'd never allowed anyone to know where we lived so this was a huge step.

I was busy cleaning the house, not that it needed much cleaning as I did a little cleaning every day, making sure the dishes were washed, and did some laundry. My son had my attention quite a bit too! Walking down the hall to use the restroom, I had to stop and look at some of the "family" photos that adorned the wall. Some of Mick and me, some of me, some of the band, some of the baby. Seeing these pictures always brought a smile to my face. My bladder was screaming at me so I went on to the bathroom and pulled myself out of my reverie. I was on edge knowing he would be at our home in just a little while.

I awoke but kept my eyes closed. I honestly don't believe Corey will ever be invited to our home. But who am I to say what the future will hold! The sounds of Mick's video game could still be heard. The two men weren't talking but I wasn't sure James was even in the same room. Until I felt someone begin to massage my poor feet. It felt so good all I could do was moan my gratitude. One hand that had been on my foot moved to gently rub my leg as I awoke from my slumber. Even after a nap, I still wasn't sure about the situation with my Dad.

Two weeks later we arrived at the designated meeting place. Corey wouldn't even look at me, or my two lovers for that matter, so I simply turned my back on him. Literally. I got to chatting with Joey and before long we'd boarded the busses and were moving fast down the road. No one said anything or showed signs of knowing anything so I was hopeful my dad would keep his mouth shut. Mid -afternoon I began to get sleepy so I snuck off to the bunk James and I shared for a quick, and hopefully quiet, nap.

When I awoke a few hours later the entire bus was eerily quiet. Apparently, everyone was either in their own bunks, watching movies, or reading. I booted up my laptop and sat down on the floor in front of the couch where James was laying watching a movie. I needed to check my email and log into my school account to see if some of my projects and homework has been graded yet or not. I was being grouped with some other students for one project which meant I would have to fly home for a few weeks. It pissed me off but what was I gonna do?

"You ok, Precious?" James quietly asked when he realized I was agitated

"Gotta fly home for a few weeks for a project. I can't get out of it." I replied

"Will you be ok to fly? Do you want someone to go with you?" He questioned, caressing my cheek

"I should. It's supposed to only be for a few weeks. I'll be lonely but that's it." I replied before kissing his hand

"You're going to be very missed. But maybe that will be good. You won't have the stress of Corey in your face all the time for those few weeks." James told me

"That's true. But I won't be with either of you for that time either." I retorted, turning so I could actually face him

"Good point." He said, lightly kissing my lips, "I want you to call one of us every day. And email so we know how you're doing."

He began to kiss me a little more passionately but before we could get hot & heavy, my Dad walked up front. He huffed at us which made me roll my eyes at him. Which of us is older?! I went back to my laptop while James rolled onto his right side and set his chin on my shoulder. Corey sat across from us and just stared. I rolled my eyes once more before getting back to what I was doing. If he wanted to be an ass then so be it!

A/N: Please review and vote below! Thanks :D

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