Chapter 19

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Jim was kind enough to help me get out of my street clothes and into #7's jersey so I could lay down. All I wanted was to be in my Master's arms. I think 4 knew what I needed and he climbed into bed with me and immediately wrapped me up in his large arms.

"Oh Precious, we were so fucking worried about you! I'm so glad you're feeling better." #4 whispered as he planted kiss after kiss to my forehead

"I've missed you 2...." I trailed

"We've most definitely missed our time with you too! All I want to do right now is hold you and kiss you." He whispered into my ear

Before long there was a low knock on the door. So low I thought I was hearing things! But then I heard it a second time and 4 yelled for whoever it was to enter. Then I saw him. My Big Bear. He gave me one his heart-melting smiles and I stretched my hands out for him. I didn't even notice him locking the door behind him before he rushed to the other side of my bed and quickly and in one swift motion pull me into his arms.

"Little One I've missed you so much!! I was so scared we were gonna lose you." #7 whispered in my ear

"" I barely got out before the tears welled up in my eyes

"Don't cry, Little One. We both need you too." #7 responded quietly while 4 rubbed my back

They began kissing me, caressing me again and I melted all over again. I really did miss this contact. It's what I've been needing for weeks now! Hopefully it will only be a few more days before I'm able to, um, fully enjoy their company again. Some how they got me purring once more.

"Mmmmmmcuddles..." I purred quietly making both men laugh softly

Before long I had drifted off to a contented, well needed deep sleep.

It had been about 2 weeks since I was released. #7 and 4 were taking me somewhere special this evening. Or so I've been told. A garment bag was just delivered to my room. Dad was hanging out with Joey and Chris. I went to go take a quick shower and shave so that I would be ready for whatever tonight was going to bring. Once I was done, I dried and brushed my hair. I was instructed that I was to have 2 braids on either side of my face that wrapped to the back of my head and then were braided together. Much like a braid halo.

Once I had completed that task I got dressed. I sprayed some cologne on my neck, wrists, in between my tits, and the crook of my elbows. I sat down to do my make-up. There came a knock at the door and my heart began to race. This was the first time we'd gone out since my accident and the very first time I'd gone out with both #7 and 4. Opening the door revealed a smiling #7. I moved out of the way allowing him to enter. Before I even got the door half way closed, #4 approached.

"You look absolutely amazing, Little One." #7 growled into my ear making me blush

"Ah Precious, you take my breath away." 4 told me, making me blush harder

"You guys look good too." I told them

"We're ready to go. Put your coat on." #7 instructed

I did as I was told and put the coat on that he'd gotten me a while back to cover what I was wearing that night. We left my room together with no one in the hallway. I stayed between the 2 large men as we made our way downstairs. They didn't tell me where we were going so I was completely clueless. In the cab, as usual, I was in between the men and before long 4 began touching my leg. My eyes closed, loving the feeling of his skin on mine.

#7 started kissing my neck and I was in pure ecstasy, I swear! The cab ride was long, a little over an hour one way. It wasn't boring by any stretch of the imagination! I had #7 and 4 all over me which drove me to the brink of insanity! I could feel the wetness between my legs but couldn't do anything about it unfortunately. All too soon it was announced that we had arrived at our destination.

The building was probably 3 stories high and brick. The bushes were high and the building was surrounded by tall, thick trees. How the hell did these guys find these places?! #7 put my collar and leash on me and began walking in front of me while #4 walked behind me. I kept my eyes on the ground until we walked into the building.

The carpeting looked very plush and black, the walls were a deep purple color. There were lots of plushy, over-sized chairs, love seats, and couches all over the place. There was a nice sized bar in one room and of course the downstairs bathroom. There were some very awesome paintings all over the walls that fascinated me. The light was low but kind of romantic. #7 ushered us upstairs. The carpeting here was a blood-red color with the walls black. Apparently, we weren't staying on this floor either.

We were ushered up to the third floor. There were comfy booths all along the blood-red walls. The paintings on the walls were set in gold and silver frames that reflected the candlelight exquisitely. These booths looked like they couldn't hold more than 2 or 3 people so I was a bit confused as to what was going on here.

#7 slid into the booth and motioned for me to follow him. 4 slid in after me and we were all kind of cramped. A minute or so after we sat down a waitress came to take our drink orders. #7 ordered himself a beer while 4 ordered a Jack and Coke. I was ordered Sprite. We sat in silence for a while just watching the people around us.

"You have questions, Little One?" #7 asked, already knowing the answer

"What is this place?" I questioned

"This, my dear, is a club for Polyamorous and BdSm couples." #7 affectionately replied

"Polyamorous?" I asked, not knowing the meaning of the term he just used

"Yes, you are polyamorous. That means the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved." #7 informed me

"Oh. So being with more than one person at a time with everyone involved knowing about it is polyamorous?" I asked, wanting to clarify

"Exactly. These couples all practice Polyamory and BdSm. Like we do." #7 replied as he stroked my cheek

I sat watching the people. Usually there were 3-4 people at a booth or table. All seemed very close in the way they touched, kissed and caressed one another. Some were wearing collars like I was, some were sitting on the floor, some weren't permitted to look around like I was, some weren't allowed to drink. But this place had an Aire of relaxation and serenity. I began to wonder if #7 and 4 were wanting to bring in another woman to our "family"? Furrowing my brows made 4 laugh since #7 had gotten up to talk to someone he knew.

"Question, Precious?" He quietly asked me

"Are.... are you guys thinking of brining in someone else to this?" I whispered, fighting the tears that threatened to fall

"I'm happy with what we've got now. But I'm not going to say I won't ever entertain the idea. If you're worried we'll replace you, you have nothing to worry about! You will always be our favorite!" 4 softly stated, easing the nervousness in my mind

"I.... I love you. Both." I said, stumbling over my words, unable to meet his gaze

He lifted my chin so that I was looking him in those magnificent dark eyes and smiled.

"We both love you very much too, Precious!" He whispered before placing his lips to mine

Our kiss deepened and I felt myself melting all over again. 4 ran his hand up my leg and over my mound making moan slightly. I could feel him smile into the kiss as he slowly rubbed me in my happy place. Suddenly I felt another pair of hands on me so I pulled away from 4 and whipped my head around. My reaction made #7 laugh and I blushed, darting my eyes downward.

"You are so perfect, Little One." #7 quietly said, stroking my cheek affectionately!

A/N: Please review and vote below ;)

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