Chapter 31

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Even though we're on speaking terms, Corey has never asked about my living situation since Mick and James took me to gather my things from his place. He's never brought it up either. Doesn't he wonder? I mean he knows I'm living with James. He knows we've moved. Isn't he curious to see where we moved to? If I were in his shoes I'd be more than curious! Of course, on the other hand I don't really want him to know where we live because then we'll have to explain why Mick is living there too when everyone knows how much he likes his solitude. It still makes me sad that he hasn't shown any interest in our home though. He's invited James and I over to his new home where he, Griffin, and Stephanie live.

We all, after 2 years, still love our house. The way I've decorated, the memories we've made, just how much like home it feels. I think that, though, has more to do with Mick and James than anything else! As I was lost in my thoughts, something caught my attention as I was walking back from the bathroom. Suddenly a small child of around maybe 2 attached herself to my leg which startled me at first. I looked up to see James watching me. All I could do was talk kindly to this kid and a sudden yearning began to form in the pit of my stomach. A minute or so later the child's mother came running to retrieve her wayward child. We stood chatting for a few minutes before parting.

I glanced back up at my lover to see him staring at my dad who seemed to be staring at me with a look I'd never seen before. The cute scene before them seemed to unnerve Corey. More than I'd ever seen before. Why? Other than obviously not being ready for grandfather-hood! I mean I'm a smart girl. With a very bright future before me. I'm sure he wants me to have a career of my own, to make my own way, to have my own experiences and adventures. I do want a family of my own one day. Preferably with James & Mick! I don't know how that would work exactly but I'm sure we'd find a way. As I sit back down, I squeeze James' knee under the table, bringing a smile to his handsome face.

"Ok, if no one else is going to ask I will. What the fuck Corey?" Clown exclaimed, making our entire group go deathly silent

"What the fuck what?" My dad innocently asked

"You know what? You went off on Mick when it was innocent but when James smacks her ass you just say 'so'. What's going on?" Clown demanded

"Look, about 2 ½ years ago I sort of pushed them into trying to date. They found they really did like one another and have been together ever since." Dad explained making everyone look over at James & I

"You're dating Corey Taylor's daughter?! Brother you've got some balls!" Sid exclaimed making everyone laugh

"You two are serious?" Clown asked, genuinely interested in James & I and not just because I'm Corey's kid

"Yes, we are. I even moved in with him over a year ago." I told the eldest 'Knot

"Well I'm very happy for you both. How's school going? It's my understanding you're attending college now." Clown stated with a smile

I smiled back understanding he was putting an end to the conversation about James & I being together. I told him all about my major and minor as well as how I'm liking the school. He seemed very interested and asked if he could take a look at some of my projects. Of course, I was happy to show anyone who wanted to see my work. The rest of breakfast went relatively smoothly, although Corey suddenly seemed introverted again and went silent after the fuss over us. Clown had my attention, however, so I didn't notice my dad sulking back to his bunk and quickly shutting the curtain.

Clown was quite impressed with my work which oddly made me quite proud and a little cocky! Clown wanted to go over some things with the guys so they headed to the back lounge. I stayed up front working on a project. I was so busy I barely realized the busses had stopped. Joey bounced onto our bus and plopped down next to me. After a few minutes he turned to me and asked if I was really happy dating Jim. I cocked my eyebrow at him, which made him chuckle, before he said he was just curious. He wondered how well we actually got along considering our age difference. It was my turn to chuckle at him.

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