Chapter 22

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We were heading to the hotel before the band had to be at the venue for sound check and interviews. #8 was still trying to talk to me and I was still ignoring him.

"KIA?" #8 yelled from the front of the bus

I ignored him as I threw stuff into my overnight bag.

"What's wrong this time?" I could hear #4 ask #3.

"She was 10 minutes late getting back due to getting stuck in traffic in a cab and he blew up at her." The blond percussionist explained.

"Listen, meet me for dinner." He stated

I flipped him the bird.

"COME BACK HERE YOUNG LADY!" Corey yelled as I stormed off the bus

Even the rest of the band got out of my way I headed straight into the hotel.


I flipped him off again I swung the doors open and stomped inside. I could hear him coming up behind me but I grabbed my room key and headed straight for the elevators. Lucky for me the time it took him to stop and get his room key was enough for the elevator doors to ding closed. I was able to get into my room without him. Of course, he came to my room, pounding on the door trying to get me to open up. What he didn't know was that I had slipped out onto the balcony and shut the door most of the way.

I don't know what's gotten into him lately but I won't put up with him taking his anger out on me. He's trying to apologize but I won't hear any of it. If I've done something wrong, what that might be I haven't the slightest clue, then I expect to be told what I've done. If he's tripping about someone else then I expect him to not take it out on me. As I was laying out on the chaise lounger I didn't realize that someone was breaking into my room.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed when I felt someone's hands on me

"Shhh Little One, it's just me." #7 whispered

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" I demanded, angry that he had broken in

"Because I'm very worried about you. This solitude isn't good. You're not eating well. There's dark circles under your eyes." #7 replied

"I'm fine." I replied

"No, you're not. Corey's not fine. He's worked up and pissy with everyone. Jim's trying to figure out what's got him so pissy. When's the last time you had a good meal?" #7 stated

"Why won't you people just leave me alone?" I asked angrily

"Because we care about you. Because we love you." He told me, "Come back inside. I'll order something to eat and we can talk."

Sighing I knew I wasn't going to win this fight. He grabbed my hand and led me back into my room. He told me to have a seat and then closed the sliding glass door, pulled the curtain to, and then walked to phone in our dinner. I sat just watching him. When he was satisfied his order was right, he hung up and turned his attention to me.

He was smiling at me when his phone began ringing. Nodding he turned to me and said that Jim was on his way because he was needed to go babysit a very drunk Corey and Chris. He made me promise that I would at least tell Jim my half of the story because everyone, as he stated absolutely EVERYONE in the band, was seriously worried about me. I looked away not wanting to agree. He kneeled down in front of me and forced me to look at him. Sighing again, #7 pulled me closer to him and again asked me to promise him that I'd talk to Jim.

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