Chapter 28

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It had been about four months since my daughter and bandmate had come to me informing me that they had decided to try and give it a go. I couldn't express how happy that made me. It might seem incredibly creepy to some but she's my daughter. Like all father's I want someone who will treat her like a fucking Queen, won't abuse her, cheat on her, and give her all that she needs and deserves. Jim will do that and more. I trust him with my life so I trust him with my daughter. Besides, I know his parents and they would kick his ass if he mistreated my little girl!

I had started spending a lot of time with Stephanie which Kia was very encouraging of. Stephanie even asked her to come out with us on some of our "dates" to places like theme parks, bowling, go-karting, and other fun stuff. Of course Kia spent a lot of time with the rest of the band too! I was in my bunk where I had been reading when I fell asleep. I tossed and turned.

I walked up to the unconventional 2 story house that seemed to radiate love and happiness. It was a beautiful home in which someone I deeply cared for lived. It was stone and brick and had been renovated to be something completely unique. Knocking on the door, my pulse quickened as I awaited someone to answer the door. Kia soon appeared and gave me a tight hug. Her protruding belly made me smile and she looked absolutely radiant. She gave me a tight hug since we hadn't seen one another in quite a while and this was the first time I'd come into their home. I'd drove by and even up to just where I could see their house from the driveway before.

This was the first time I'd actually been invited into their home. The hardwood floors were a light oak color and all the furniture seemed to be set off by the rest of the house. Kia asked me to take my shoes off since that was the rule in their home. I did so and laid my shoes next to a very large pair of boots in the foyer. My heart began racing again knowing I'd be seeing them. Before I had the opportunity to say anything a child's laughter radiated to my ears. A small child, approximately 2 years old with jet black hair and ice blue eyes came running up calling for its momma.

Child's laughter made me sit straight up in bed, my eyes were wide and my heart was racing. I quickly crawled out of my bunk and went to find the source of the laughter I was hearing. The front lounge contained Jim, Kia, and Roy who were watching some movie. That's where the child's laughter was coming from. I sighed heavily before running my hand over the strip of hair on the top of my head. That's where that dream came from, a stupid movie!! I grabbed myself a bottle of water and sat down at the kitchen table. My laptop case was sitting on the seat so I got it out and booted up to check emails and such.

I couldn't help but look up every now and then. They had come out to the rest of the band several weeks ago and seemed intensely relieved when everyone was supportive of their relationship. As a matter of fact the other 3 members of the band seemed more worried about my reaction than anything! Jim had his arm around her and her head was laying on his shoulder. Roy had stretched out on the other couch. They did look cute together! Sighing again I finished what I was doing and shut my laptop off. Maybe now I could get some sleep!

The trio didn't acknowledge my presence nor my exit but it didn't bother me at all. I set my water on my shelf and turned on a movie to half-watch while I drifted back to sleep. Thoughts of Kia, Jim, and a child's laughter seemed to stay at the forefront of my mind though and I had another weird dream.

Stephanie, Griffin and I were at a local waterpark since I had the time off and it felt like a great way to spend time with my family. I wished Kia could have joined us but I couldn't get her on the phone this morning to invite her. We got settled in the cabana I had rented while Griffin headed straight into the wave pool. Steph laughed at my son and his enthusiasm which made me smile. I was so glad she got along with my son as well as she was! Being at a public place this, it wasn't unusual to hear children's laughter. However, I heard one child that I knew pretty well.

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