Chapter 29

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We were sitting at IHOP having dinner one evening with Stephanie. For the first time in several weeks I wasn't thinking of the weird dreams I'd been having about my daughter. She was happy with Jim, I was happy with Stephanie, and the band in general was happy. Dinner was great. Up until Kia had left the table to go use the restroom. On her way to the bathroom a small child started crying and this child call my daughter 'Momma'. I snapped my head to where she stood making faces at this small child.

The kid did look quite a lot like Kia but with ice blue eyes. For a few seconds I honestly thought she was picking up her kid. Closing my eyes for a second, when I opened them Kia was nowhere in sight nor was the family that she had been talking to. Frantically looking around this family was nowhere to be seen. The table they'd been sitting at was clean as if no one had been sitting there. Where the hell did that family go?!

"Corey? Are you ok?" Stephanie whispered when she looked over at me

"No, I don't feel well. Will you box the rest of my food up for me? I think I'm gonna go lay back down." I replied

"Sure. I'll check on you a little later, ok? Get some rest." She stated, kissing my cheek lightly

I got up after handing her a $20 for my meal. Heading back to the bus I could have sworn there was a family at that table and that Kia was talking with a small child. Surely I wasn't seeing things? I took some Aspirin, grabbed a bottle of water, kicked my shoes off, and then climbed into my bunk. That kid looked almost like a spitting image of Kia, her face shape, skin color, hair. Except it had ice blue eyes. Much like Mick's eyes. Why would Kia's kid have Mick's eyes? She's dating Jim! Well, there are a lot of blue-eyed people in our family so perhaps Kia's child will come out with blue eyes simply because of her genetics.

Yeah, that's it. Isn't it?! Oh man my head fucking hurts! I closed my eyes and I saw that kid and Kia interacting again. Come to think of it, it was the same kid from the very first dream I'd had! All it is, really, is the fact that she's dating someone and it's subconsciously freaking me out that she'll wind up pregnant and won't get the education she needs to support herself. Yes, that's all it is. My subconscious fears. That's a rational explanation for what's going on in my head.

**KIA'S POV **

We were sitting at IHOP having dinner one evening with Stephanie. For the first time in several weeks Corey didn't seem to be watching me from a distance with weird looks. I was happy with Jim, he was happy with Stephanie, and the band in general was happy. Dinner was great. Up until I had left the table to go use the restroom. On my way to the bathroom I felt his eyes on me again. It was creepy and I began to panic that he somehow found out about me and Mick! When I returned to the table, Dad was gone. I leaned over to Stephanie.

"Where's Dad?" I questioned, whispering in her ear

"He's not feeling very well so he went back to the bus." She told me

"What's wrong?" I questioned, suddenly worried

"I'm not sure but I told him I'd check on him a little later. I think it's stress, really." Stephanie told me

"Oh, ok." I told her before looking around at the table.

James squeezed my knee under the table making me smile. We finished dinner and before we left, Stephanie boxed up the rest of my Dad's meal for him which I thought was awesome. She boarded our bus so she could check up on him while James and I headed straight to his bunk. I slipped out of my boots before he hoisted up into his bunk and following suit. He quickly shut the curtain and turned to me on his right side. His chocolate eyes shown with mischievousness and I couldn't help but grin. My schoolwork could wait till tomorrow. Tonight I wanna have a quiet-ish evening with my beloved giant!

James ran his hand softly over my cheek, dark eyes shining with mischief, before leaning down and planting a soft kiss on my lips. My hands found their way to his long hair which made him moan slightly. Such a low noise but it turned me on so! My left hand slid under the hem of his shirt, grazing the soft flesh of his lower belly. He bucked his hips into me which made me giggle slightly. In one swift movement he grabbed my hand and ran it over the huge bulge in his jeans showing just how ready for me he actually was! I bit my lip and nearly screamed when he slid his hand under my lounge pants and panties and lightly grazed my needy womanhood.

"I can't tell you how badly I fucking want you right now...." James growled into my ear

"Mmmmmm the feeling is most definitely mutual!" I moaned in response as his long, amazing fingers slid effortlessly in and out of my aching pussy

"You are so fucking tight, Precious! I can't wait until we get to the next hotel so that I can ravage you properly." He growled before biting my shoulder

"Want you sooooooooooooo bad....." I purred, biting my bottom lip

James brought me to such an orgasm that he had to passionately kiss me to stifle the noise I was making! My whole body began to shake, my eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I think I damn near sucked his whole hand up into me! When my orgasm passed and I was able to breathe again I turned to see him beaming at me. God I love this man!


Several weeks had passed and I began to notice Corey acting stranger and stranger. He had begun staring off into space even more than usual, would stare at Kia and me or sometimes even just Kia. I didn't understand but something deep down told me it wasn't good. He was sleeping more than usual, getting very jumpy, and seemed to be kind of paranoid. She was working diligently on a project for school so I was trying to leave her alone. I heard the 'ding' of her IM and figured Mick was messaging her.

 Hearing a noise, as it was fairly early in the morning, I looked over to see Corey pouring himself a cup of coffee. He didn't even bother to greet me. I watched him closely as he sat down by the window and stared out. The poor guy looked like he hadn't slept very well for several nights. I was worried about my friend but every time any of us confronted him about it he just told us he was fine and waved us off. What more could we do?!

A/N: Hmm. What's going on with #8? Please review and vote below ;)

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