Chapter 18

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When I woke up sometime later I discovered I was still alone. I cautiously moved into a sitting position and found myself a wee bit dizzy. Ok, so no sudden movements at all for me! Taking a deep breath I looked around. My eyes landed on a very large neon-pink rat with a top hat and cane tap-dancing on the floor by the tv. I couldn't do anything but stare at it as it danced. Man that fucking rat was a helluva tap-dancer! I stared at it for who knows how long just watching it dance.

"Kia? Kia, talk to me!" Corey's voice suddenly broke through my trance and I looked down to see him kneeling in front of me, looking very concerned

"Huh?!" I asked, confused

"Sweetie I've been trying to get your attention for 15 minutes! You've just been staring over there somewhere. Are you ok?" He questioned, voice sort of high pitched like he was panicking

"Uhh yeah." I said looking to where the dancing rat was to discover he was no longer there.

"We're stopping for dinner soon. Do you feel like going in or do you want me to bring you back something to eat?" He asked, feeling my face and forehead again

"Um, bring me back a large order of fries." I quietly stated

"That's all?" He asked

"Yeah. Thanks." I meekly smiled at him

He frowned but nodded at me before leaving me to go up front. Where did that rat go? Surely we would have heard him walking around?! There was nowhere for him to hide back here and I didn't see him anywhere. Was I going crazy? Sighing heavily, I laid back down to watch tv. I stayed awake long enough for Dad to bring me my food and eat maybe half of it. Then I went back to sleep.

I woke up with a start, sweat pouring down my face. My heart was racing and I was dizzy. The bus was quiet and dark, at least from what I could tell. Throwing my blanket off me, I hobbled up to the bunk area. Snoring could be heard from most of the guys and if any of them were awake, they were either watching tv with their headphones on or trying to get to sleep themselves. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge and took some more Tylenol. Feeling woozy again, or still I'm not entirely sure which as bad as that sounds, I sort of held onto whatever I could as I made my way back to my temporary bed. I must've woken #7 up on my way back through.

After I got settled and had turned the channel to watch, or try to watch, Adult Swim I felt his presence near. Before I could say anything to him my eyes closed and I was out. I woke up sometime later, again, and turned my attention to the tv. There was a very long, slender leg coming out of it (much like the movie 'The Ring'). As freaky as that was, I couldn't find my voice to scream, I could only lay there and stare in fascination. The rest of the body, at least the right half of the body, came out along with #4's head! The other half of the body was still in the TV which made me wonder why. Then the other half of the body popped out and it didn't match what should have been there. The limbs were a lot smaller. When a second head popped out of the TV I understood why... it was half of #1!

This James-Joey hybrid just stood in front of the tv staring at me as I stared at it. We stared at one another for what was probably several hours. I heard when #3 & #4 woke up because they began making noise about who was taking a piss first. Then I heard Dad's loud mouth yell to shut the fuck up because I was sleeping. Mick then had to yell to Corey to shut the fuck up so 'he could finally get some fucking sleep'. My eyes never left the hybrid, even when Corey came back to check on me.

"Honey... what are you staring at?" He questioned, kneeling down by my head

I didn't respond which made him start to panic a little bit. He lightly shook my shoulder which made me finally look over at him. His bright blue eyes were full of concern and worry and it looked like he hadn't slept very well last night. I felt bad for making him, and probably #7 too, worry so much about me. Giving me a gentle hug, he said we should clean my wounds again and rebandage them. #4 had wandered back and stopped in his tracks when he saw me.

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