Chapter 33

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We had flown back into Des Moines and were about to disperse to our own homes once we gathered our luggage from baggage claim. I'd begun getting sick in the wee hours of the morning which sucked. Good thing everyone was usually asleep on the bus when I got sick! It concerned both my lovers but I reassured them it was normal. The flight had tired me out more than I thought it would but James told me I could take a nap when we got home. Mick sent me a text about stopping somewhere for food which I happily passed on to James.

Dad was so wrapped up in Stephanie, he didn't even notice when James and I left. I wouldn't be seeing any of the rest of the band while we were home since everyone wanted to just spend time with their loved ones and enjoy their time away from one another. Once I'd been fed, or shall I say we've been fed, we headed to our lovely home. Tomorrow we were meeting with contractors about expanding the house. They had been discussing expanding both the downstairs and upstairs.

When I woke up the next morning, after a fabulous night with my two lovers, I slipped into some lounge pants and a tank top and padded my way into the kitchen for some orange juice. I could hear voices in the living room so I slowly made my way there to see what was going on. There were my two lovers with some guy whom I did not know. Everyone smiled at me as Mick got me up to speed on what they had been discussing. The contractor had several good ideas, according to James, and they wanted to show me the various sketches he had made on what he could do.

I looked over several of his ideas until I found two that I liked. James looked the plans over before handing them to Mick. They both nodded silently as the contractor brought up digital plans of the house on his laptop to show us a 3D model of what it would look like when everything was done. I was very enthusiastic about the renovations which seemed to make my lovers happy.

"I can one floor at a time or work on both to make the construction go faster. Whichever you prefer." The contractor exclaimed

"Hmm, how long will it take?" James asked

"Working on one floor at a time will take longer but won't put you out as much. Working on both floors, realistically it should take about two months." We were told

"You know the noise of construction will annoy the hell out of you, Mick. What do you want to do?" James stated

"Well we can either get a hotel for the duration and all go or you two can stay here and I'll go stay with a friend." Mick retorted, making me pout

"Precious, what do you think?" James asked as he turned to me

"The noise will bother me, I'm sure. Especially when I'm trying to study." I replied after thinking about it for a few minutes

"Then we'll just rent a hotel and let him work on both floors simultaneously. How soon can you start?" Mick asked

"I can have my equipment and guys here within two hours." The contractor told him

"Perfect. We'll pack up and wait for you to arrive before we take off." Mick stated with a smile

"I look forward to working with you Mr. Thomson. Your expansion will be incredible." The contractor said with a smile as he whipped out his phone

"Let's get to packing. Mick, will you find us a hotel that will have room for a month?" James stated, "We'll be leaving in a month for work. Can you email us pictures regularly of the work?"

Both men nodded before we went to begin packing. I didn't know what kind of hotel they were looking for. As I walked to Mick's room, I began to mentally go over what all I should pack. I was looking forward to sleeping in their beds while we were home. Oh well. I packed clothes, accessories, make up, medication, shoes, school stuff including books, my laptop & associated accessories. Going over everything I needed in my head, I was sure I'd grabbed everything. It didn't take Mick long to pack, which it never really does, so I went to check up on my taller lover.

Much to my surprise, he was nearly done with his packing as well! I flopped down on his very comfortable bed and stared up at the ceiling. The silence wasn't uncomfortable so I let my mind wander to the last big conversation I'd had with Dad before we got the time off. Why was he so interested in James and I getting married? Was it just because him & Stephanie are so close to tying the knot?! His concern was odd. Or maybe it's just pregnancy hormones that are making me over-think his words. The bed beside me moved so I turned my head to see why. James had sat down and was looking at me with a loving expression.

I couldn't wait for our renovations to be completed! I love our house and to not really be able to stay in it while we're in town saddened me. The contractor, Don, arrived in less than two hours. He took us around the house as he marked where the expansions would go to make sure this is where we wanted them. He went over how things were going to go and what to expect while construction was going on. When he was done, James and Mick signed the contract. Everyone was in high spirits when we left. I had no clue where we were going but apparently it was low-key. It wasn't a seedy motel but wasn't a high-dollar hotel either. Affordable, especially since they were paying for renovations and would have to buy baby stuff soon, but more especially out of the way. The rest of the band wouldn't expect us to be here which was what they wanted.

We finally got settled in our hotel room which included a king-sized bed. Guess we were all sleeping together! I had plugged in my laptop while James channel surfed. Mick was silent, although that was nothing new, but there was something in his demeanor that told me something was up. It made me nervous but I tried focusing on my school work instead. After a while Mick finally *coughed* which made me look up at him curiously. Studying him, he seemed nervous. Then James muted the TV. Something told me a deep conversation was coming and I probably wasn't going to like it. Tears sprung to my eyes thinking perhaps they'd changed their mind about this baby.

Mick stated that James had told him about the wedding conversation Corey had had with us just over a month ago. It confused me as to where this conversation was going. He explained that the law stated a person could not be married to more than one person, that it was against the law. I frowned. Since everyone knew about James and I, if I were to marry it would be to James. Again I frowned. I didn't like where this conversation was heading. They talked to me about how our relationship would work should James and I ever get married.

Should it ever come down to James and I getting married, I would obviously take his last name. I would, however, have two sets of wedding rings. On my left hand I would wear James' and on my right I would wear Mick's. They would leave it up to me on whether or not I changed my name so that I could add Mick's last name to mine as well.

We talked about the baby and whose surname it would have. They wanted to wait and have a DNA test done just to be sure who the father was. They reassured me it wasn't because they didn't trust me. Then they began talking about baby names. Immediately my right hand found its way to my stomach. I was both terrified and excited about bringing a baby into the world. Hearing them chatting about names and such brought a smile to my face. Suddenly two names popped into my mind.

"Tristen Blake if it's a boy and Zoe Elise if it's a girl." I blurted out

"Tristen Blake Thomson. Tristen Blake Root. Both sound good." Mick stated thoughtfully

"Zoe Elise Root. Zoe Elise Thomson. I like them, like Mick said they both sound good." James smiled

"You really like them both?" I asked a bit nervously

"Yes Little One. We've found our baby name!" Mick smiled at me as he caressed my cheek

Construction was going even better than we'd planned and I was immensely thankful. Since we didn't want anyone to know where we lived, James told Corey we'd meet up at his house to catch the bus. He didn't seem to think anything of it. Don emailed us pics every few days and any notes or suggestions. I was being more mindful of what I ate and my general health. The day we were set to leave, Dad called and said we couldn't meet at his house. James frowned and related the information to me. Suddenly the fear of being caught rose up in me like bile.

We had swung by IHOP to grab breakfast knowing we'd be hitting the road and probably wouldn't be stopping until dinner. James told my Dad to just meet us at IHOP. A few minutes of arguing, James hung up. Apparently, he'd gotten Corey to concede and pick us up here. I sighed with relief. Something just didn't want anyone knowing where we lived just yet. When Dad finds out about the true nature of our relationship and of me & Mick, he's gonna fucking go ballistic. I'm not ready to face that just yet.

A/N: Please vote and review below! Thanks :)

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