Chapter 15

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#1 grabbed Corey's attention as I walked to my bunk to get my sketch book. I was still having a little bit of a hard time breathing but that was what happened whenever I started having panic attacks like that. It didn't take #7 long to make his way to the back. He quickly shut the door and wrapped me up in his massive arms.

"Little one, are you ok? You looked like you were starting to have another attack." #7 whispered in my ear

"Mmmm hmmm." I mumbled

"Shh Little one. Take slow, deep breaths." #7 instructed as we heard footsteps approaching

He quickly let me go and grabbed his acoustic. I sat down and leaned on the arm of the couch to sketch like I told my Father I was doing. Maybe ten minutes later #4 cautiously opened the door and slipped into the lounge with us. He was wearing a pair of loose-fitting pajama bottoms and no shirt, much to my delight, and nodded to #7.

"Is she ok? I noticed she was starting to freak like other day." #4 asked as he sat down next to me

"Yeah, Corey freaked her out while she was nervous about the final she took." #7 replied as #4 began caressing my face

I leaned into him and the much-needed contact. #7 locked the door and moved me so that I was sitting in between him and #4. My Masters treated me like a fucking Queen and I loved every last second of it. Kissing, caressing, light touches, nibbles, God this was heaven! Breathing didn't seem as hard so I guess I've avoided having a full attack. #4 asked a question about it and I stated that I've never actually been diagnosed with anything. He seemed concerned and said he'd talk to Corey about having me tested because they, meaning him and #7, both agreed it sounded like I was having panic attacks.

Corey made his way to the back so #7 moved back to where he was playing his acoustic while #4 was deciding on what game to play. Of course, I had buried my nose in my sketch book. He sat down on my right side, since I was still sitting in the middle, and asked if he could play with #4. The giant man tossed him a controller after putting in some game. He sat down on my left side and started their game. After their third game my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I asked, not recognizing the number

"Hello Sweet Cheeks." I heard his voice stated

"What do you want?" I asked icily

"Well since your mother got rid of you, I've moved back in. Thought I'd let you know I'll be here for Thanksgiving if you come by." He said

"Well I'm spending the holidays with my Dad." I retaliated

"That's too bad sweet thing, I was looking forward to seeing you since you're all growed up now." He said and I could swear he licked his lips

"Leave me alone!" I yelled angrily

"Awwww, you don't like me?" He questioned with an evil laugh

By now I was shaking so bad that Corey had paused the game and all three men were looking at me intently.

"Hell fucking no I don't like you! You and that whore are more than perfect for one another!" I stated, feeling the tears well up in my eyes

"Sweetie, who are you talking to that's got you this upset?" Corey whispered

"I did your Mom a favor that night, you know. Did you a favor as well, if you don't remember." He growled at me over the phone

"Fuck off. Loose this number. AND LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I screamed at him

"What's the matter baby..... you didn't like it? Or I wasn't rough enough for you?" He purred at me

I dropped my phone, tears streaming down my face. Corey picked it up and started yelling at him. #4 wrapped his arms around me in an attempt to calm me down but it did no good. #7 moved to kneel in front of me as Corey was screaming at him. I couldn't seem to breath, again, and the world was spinning out of control. My heart was racing and the room seemed to be ten times smaller than what it actually was, even if it was a tiny room to begin with.

"Shh Little one. Jim and I are here. You're safe." #7 quietly stated as Corey continued yelling on the phone

"Precious we're not going to let anything happen to you." #4 whispered in my ear

Corey asked a question and it triggered another memory that I tried so diligently to bury in the back of my mind.

My sister, who was only 10, was cowering in the corner with Mom's latest boy-toy pointing a gun at her. He was fucking drunk AGAIN. Before I knew what was happening, he'd pulled the trigger hitting my sister in the chest this time instead of the wall behind her.

I watched as my little sister held her chest and looked up at me, tears streaming down her cheeks. He then turned towards me and I screamed. I had tried to run upstairs to my room. He caught me as I reached the top of the stairs and grabbed me. I shuddered when he ran his hands over me.

"Such a sweet, young thing you are." He purred in my ear...

"Kia? Honey, what's wrong?" Corey asked, kneeling next to the monstrous guitarist

"This is kind of what happens when she has a nightmare. But it's never been this bad." #7 stated, voice low and deep

"What's wrong, honey? Talk to me!" Corey stated, panic seeping into his voice

I couldn't control the shaking, or the tears, and the spinning room made me dizzy. Leaning forward into #7, he picked me up and moved so that he was sitting on the couch. I buried my face in his neck as Corey rubbed my back gently. Gasping for air, as I couldn't breathe all that well, made everyone worry even #4. The world suddenly went black and I think I heard Corey freak out.

When I opened my eyes again, I discovered there was something damp and cold on my forehead, my head was on someone's leg, and there were a few pairs of hands on me. Groaning made the quiet chatter stop.

"Kia, how are you feeling?" I heard Corey quietly whisper

"Uuuuuhhhh" I trailed, earning a few soft chuckles

"Can you sit up?" He asked and I very slowly and cautiously did so

Someone handed me a bottle of water and I slowly sipped from it. Corey tried to check me out to make sure I was ok, but I just wanted to be left alone. His gesture of love and protectiveness was not lost and I let him do what he felt he needed to do. When he started firing questions at me, #4 stepped in and said that all the questions could be saved for later and that I should really just lay down and try to get some rest. Corey sighed heavily and sat down in front of me.

A little while later I had laid back down on the couch with my head on #7's leg. #4 had moved to sit on the floor sometime while I was "out". #7 ran his hand through my hair and I closed my eyes. I heard #4 tell Corey that they'd watch over me if he wanted to head off to bed. Corey delicately kissed my cheek and then I think he left. #4 moved so that he was sitting at the other end of the couch and put my legs across his lap.

The feeling of someone running their hands through my hair felt really good. I kept my eyes closed but realized there was a very warm body next to me. Sighing seemed to snap said warm body's attention to me.

"Hi there Precious." #4 whispered to me, still running his hands through my hair

"Mmm what happened?" I sleepily whispered back

"You fell back asleep. Corey wanted to talk with Mick so I brought you to my bunk because you clung tightly to me when I tried to place you in your bunk." He quietly replied

My body started shaking again and he felt it.

"Shh Precious. Your safe. None of us are gonna let anything happen to you." #4 quietly said before kissing my forehead, "Want to talk about that phone call?"

I shook my head no. Hell I don't even want to remember that I had that conversation!

"Ok, Precious." He responded, gently caressing my cheek with the hand that had been running through my hair

A/N: Who is this guy?! Please review and vote below ;)

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