Chapter 30

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Two years later and we were getting ready to roll back on tour with Slipknot. Kia was excited to be seeing all the guys again. Which means she would get to see Mick every single day. Naturally they were both very excited about that! Corey, after two years, seemed perfectly fine. He suddenly just snapped out of whatever he had been going through although he never confided in anyone about what that might have been. Stephanie was planning their wedding which delighted Kia to no end. Once again it was Corey, me, Mick, Chris and Kia on our bus. Clown, Paul, Sid, Craig, and Joey were occupying the second bus. I was very happy to know she'd be on my bus but I knew Corey would have her with him. Of course, I already knew she would be sleeping in my bunk most of the time anyway.

Once we'd all greeted one another cordially we promptly hit the road. From the get-go I could see the tension between Corey & Mick. The latter didn't seem to know anything was wrong. Corey just stared at him like he was angry with him or something! Kia sat chatting away with Joey catching up on their families, Joey's other band, Joey working with Rob Zombie, some of her artwork and school projects. She was so happy and just seemed to be glowing as she talked with my friend & bandmate.

Mick was just sitting on the couch watching Kia and smiling every now and then. Corey was watching what was going on between Mick & Kia. Before long everyone sort of dispersed to their own devices. It started with Corey's phone going off. He headed to his bunk to answer it, no doubt it was his future bride. A short while later I watched Joey stand up and say something about some new video game before heading to the back lounge. I grabbed a new book and sat at the kitchen table to read. She smiled at me before burying her face in her laptop to continue working on one of her projects. Mick just sat there drinking her in.

"I've missed you Little One." Mick's booming voice quietly stated

"I've missed you too, Big Bear." She smiled at him, batting those gorgeously long, thick eyelashes at him

"It's been far too long since I've had you in my arms." Mick all but growled

I could tell she was instantly wet. A small part of me was jealous, even though I seemed to possess the same ability as him, but a small part of me was turned on too.

"I agree. But Dad knows about James & I so we need to be extra careful." She responded carefully

I knew she was dying to be with him again. He was the first person she ever really bonded with when she arrived on tour with Corey.

"I know. But the online chats, late-night phone calls, and very occasional visits aren't enough for me..." He replied as he arose from his seat and crossed the bus to pull her into his arms

She sighed contentedly, as I expected her to, and just seemed to melt into his overly large arms. I couldn't help but smile as she grabbed ahold of his waist and tried to pull him even closer to her. I watched as his left hand roamed wherever, reminiscing of their time together, and caressing her face with his right hand. Suddenly the familiar stirrings of desire was felt in my nether-region. He took ahold of her hand and began to lead her to his bunk.

"I've got my alarmed set for about 5. Everyone should still be sleeping by then. I'll send her off to your bunk." Mick explained to me with a wink

I smiled & nodded as I watched my friend & bandmate lead my girlfriend to his bed. How fucked up is this? Well, I can't really say anything. Technically she was his first. I guess I should be grateful he is allowing me to be with her too. If she wasn't for it then he would have put a stop to her and I being together long ago. Shaking my head, I went to change for bed. Might as well watch a movie before going to bed. Sure enough right around 5am, she moved my curtain back and climbed into bed with me.

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