Chapter 23

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We were woken from our slumber by someone pounding on the door. Groaning, we rapidly put our clothes on before I answered the door. Much to my surprise I found Corey standing there. He had a small bouquet of flowers in his hand. I cocked my eyebrow at him.

"Um, can we go have breakfast? We need to sit down and have a chat." He asked

"Why should I go?" I asked, crossing my arms across my chest

"Because we need to talk about some things. Hey Jim." He replied

"I'll go with you in case things.... um, get heated. Besides, you need some food in your tummy." Jim told me, reminding me of how much energy we'd used the night before

"Fine." I stated before slipping into my boots and grabbing my cell & room key

We walked to the elevator in silence with me staying very close to James. I'd placed the bouquet Corey had brought me on my bed before we left. Not one of us made a sound as we made our way through the lobby into the hotel restaurant. We were seated and had our drinks before Corey even began to start talking. Then James asked who he was looking for. Mick walked over and sat down in front of me before Corey could answer.

"Kia, listen I need to apologize. I shouldn't have been taking my frustrations out on you." Corey stated

"Damn right! You might be my dad and all but I will NOT put up with being treated that way by NOBODY." I stated, anger seeping into my voice

"Look, Donna is pregnant so there will be another little Taylor running around before long. You're my daughter and I love you dearly and nothing or no one will ever change that." He stated

"_________" I couldn't really say anything to that so he took his cue to continue

"You'll be going to college soon whether it's by distance learning or by actually attending a university. I want you to go for your dreams. I want you to be an independent young woman." He told me

"So because of this, I'm not longer wanted?" I asked defensively

"NO! That is not what I'm saying at all. I haven't had you in my life very long. Seeing my bandmate kissing you freaked me out. I don't want to acknowledge that my daughter is of the age to be... interested in guys. Or that there are lots of guys drooling over my beautiful daughter!" He stated, trying to ease the mood slightly

"Look Corey, I'm not the only guy in this band who's attracted to your daughter. I've seen the way Chris looks at her. If she wasn't interested all she had to do was push me away." Mick stated

For a second, I thought he was about to spill what James and I had going. It shocked the hell out of me to hear that Chris seemed interested. My expression seemed to amuse Mick because he laughed softly, blue eyes dancing with mischief. We ordered our breakfast when the waitress FINALLY returned. Silence fell over the table again as we processed what had been said up until this point.

"Listen, I'm not necessarily against Kia dating. I just want someone who's stable for her. Our life is chaotic and not necessarily stable." Corey finally stated

"So I'm not good enough for Kia? That's it?" Mick asked, anger evident in his voice

"That's not it. With all she's been through she needs someone who can support her, be there when she needs them. With the band, could you honestly tell me you could give that to her?" Corey asked, getting angry himself

"But you're ok with Jim dating her?" Mick threw back

"He's a much more stable personality than you are, Mick. You're dark and moody. She doesn't need that!" Corey defended

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