Chapter 32

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Eigtheen months later, I was just a few months away from finishing my Associate's degree. I hadn't been feeling very well so one day when we had a few days in town I went to see a doc. He did a physical, drew some blood, had me pee in a cup. If we can put a man on the moon, if we can make medicine from moldy cheese, why can't we invent a better way to get urine from women than having to pee in a small cup?! Sighing heavily, I took a seat back in the waiting lounge until I was called back.

As I left the office my mind was racing! I wasn't sure which one had done it. How the hell are they going to react? Will this really impact my schooling? Surely they'll support me in whatever decision I make. Will they be happy? Will they be angry? Oh Lord.... how the fuck is Dad going to react? How am I going to tell them? How are we going to tell the rest of the bands?! Oh God, trying to explain our relationship to them is going to be....

I knew I had to sit them both down and explain to them what my doc had told me that morning. How the hell am I going to tell them this?! More than anything I fear their reactions, fear the rejection of not being ready for such responsibility. What if they didn't want anything to do with me anymore? There's no way I could deal with this alone. There's absolutely no dealing with my Dad by myself either. Telling them is going to be hard enough. I was pacing the room, deep in thought, when James entered the room we were sharing. Seeing the state I was in, he immediately wrapped his tattooed arms around me.

"Precious, are you ok? What's got you so upset?" He quietly asked

"Hmm, oh, uh..." I tried thinking of what to tell him, ".... why don't you and I have dinner in tonight. Invite Mick."

"Ok. Will you tell me what's wrong?" He questioned, fear seeping into his tone

"I'll tell you at dinner. Deal?" I retorted trying to put off this conversation for as long as possible

"Sure." He stated unsurely

I gave him a half-hearted smile as I moved to sit out on the balcony. He did whatever it was he needed to do before leaving me to my thoughts. I didn't bother asking either of them what they wanted for dinner. I placed the order and told the room service people when I wanted it to be delivered. Thinking things over I began to really like the idea. I wanted a family. Especially with the two men who both held my heart. Since I knew nothing about my "condition", I decided to look some things up on the 'net. Several hours went by before I even realized it. Suddenly I was starting to like I had gotten in over my head!

James rolled back in with Mick in tow. Corey was taking Stephanie out to dinner who had come out to work a little with the band. I clicked off the pages I didn't want them see me looking at. Bringing up one of my projects, Mick sat down at the end of the chaise and began gently rubbing my leg. I gave him a half-hearted smile while I barely glanced up at him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him frown at me. James asked about dinner to which I simply stated I'd already ordered it and that it should be arriving shortly. Both seemed a bit shocked as I usually let them do that.

Once dinner had arrived, we settled down to have a nice quiet meal together. Both picked up on my nervousness no matter how hard I tried to mask it. James once again asked me what was wrong and I smiled nervously at him. It was now or never, I guess! Taking a deep breath, I looked up into the two expectant faces of my lovers.

"You know how I've been kinda sick lately?" I questioned, looking between them

"Yeah. Did that doc you saw finally figure out what was wrong with you?" Mick questioned

His words rang in my ear: 'what was wrong with you'. There's something wrong with me?!

"Precious? Sugar, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" James' gentle voice asked

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