Chapter 8

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A/N: There was a lot going on yesterday and I forgot to update yesterday. So I'm going to update both today go ya. Thanks for being so patient with me!


A very loud knocking at my door woke me up. I begrudgingly crawled out of bed and slipped into #7's Raider's jersey, which I had effectively jacked from him. Opening the door seemed to make whoever was on the other side sigh with relief. Blinking away the sleep I found it was Corey.

"We're leaving in 20 minutes. Pack up and get downstairs." He informed me before his voice softened, "Are you ok? You look like hell!"

"Mmmfine." I mumbled, making laugh slightly

"Get packed up and I'll have the bell boy take your bags down." He replied, pulling me into a tight hug, "You sure you're ok?"

I nodded at him before turning to pack up all my stuff. He stood at the door watching as I threw my stuff into a bag quickly. He took them out into the hall where some of the guys had thrown their bags to be taken downstairs as well. I didn't even bother putting on pants or shoes as I grabbed the bags that I'd take onto the bus with me. Corey shut my door as I sleepily made my way down the long hall to the elevator. #7 and #4 were already there and gave me a sympathetic look as I approached.

#7 gently rubbed my back affectionately as a few of the other's approached. The elevator doors dinged open as we all piled inside. I decided to lean on Corey as we zoomed downward. He didn't mind too much because he put his arm around me. We walked through the lobby like that, getting some pretty odd stares as we did, and quickly boarded the bus. Immediately I headed to my bunk and tried to crawl inside. Suddenly #7's soft laughter rang in my ear and he helped me up into my bunk. He shut the curtain almost all the way, leaving enough room for his head.

"Sleep well, Little one." He stated, kissing my lips softly before shutting my curtain all the way

I rolled onto my stomach and quickly fell into a comfortable sleep.

"Kia? Kia honey wake up!" I barely heard Corey exclaim

"Hmm?" I groggily mumbled

"Come on sweetie, we've stopped for dinner." Corey stated, brushing a strand of hair out of my face, "I won't even make you get dressed."

"Mmmmkay." I mumbled as he pulled my curtain open wider

I cautiously slid out of the bunk and half-heartedly followed him and #4 off the bus. #7 was no where to be seen, at least I didn't see him, so I just stuck with Corey. I wasn't too hungry so I simply ordered a large box of curly fries and a medium drink. Corey looked at me worried but I didn't even have the energy to shrug at him as I took my cup to be filled. Once I had my drink and my food I trotted back to the bus.

"Kia....... wait up." I heard Corey exclaim as he jogged to catch up

"Hmm?" I questioned

"Sweetie are you sure you're feeling ok?" He questioned, feeling my forehead

"Yeah. Guess my body is still trying to adjust. I'll be fine in a day or two." I replied, giving him the best smile I could muster

"If you get to feeling any worse, please let me know. I don't want anything happening to you." He told me as we sat down on the left side couch in the front lounge

"Thanks." I meekly replied

"Care to watch a movie with me?" He questioned, setting his drink on the floor by his feet

"I'd like that a lot." I told him

He dug around their movies to find something to watch. Turning to look at me, he asked what I wanted to see. So I told him a nice drama, nothing too gory or funny, would be good. Nodding he went back to digging for something suitable. He finally found what he was looking for and put it in. I had stretched out on the couch and was slowly munching on my fries. Corey sat down on the floor by the couch, which surprised me quite a bit, and got comfortable with a couple of pillows. Sometime during the movie I fell asleep.

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