Chapter Nine ⎯⎯ New Guests

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(Mika's POV)

"I told you we'd meet soon Aoi." I chuckled, sitting in a chair infront of her, "but it've brung friends too."

"Y-Yes! This is Gianni San Jose." She introduced looking at a girl who was hiding behing Aoi's chair. I smirked amused as she blushed and hid back behind Aoi.

"And this is Tsukino Kimiko, we three have been friends since we were young." Aoi continued.

I turned my head to Kimiko who was in a chair next to Aoi. I noticed that she acted the complete oppisite of Gianni. I watched as she sat, looking smug and had a protective vibe radiating around her.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, my new princesses." I greeted, giving them a closed smile.

"I-It's nice t-to meet you too, Miso...Aoi talks about you all the time." Gianni stuttered poking her head out from behind Aoi's chair.

"Oh?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"It's true. Aoi just couldn't stop talking about you. She practically dragged Gianni here. I came with them because I was curious about the boy Aoi was crushing on." Kimiko added.

"Tsukino!" Aoi shouted, obviously embarrassed.

"Well it's true!" Kimiko chuckled.

"You didn't have to tell him too Gianni." Aoi mumbled.

"Sorry." Gianni quietly apologized.

I chuckled and the three's attention was set on me again.

"So is ti true, Aoi? Do you have a crush on me?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

"Uh! N-No! I mean-uh! you see I-They! M-M-Maybe!" She stammered.

"So Aoi tells your the mysterious and secretive type Miso! Why is that?" Kimiko suddenly questioned.

"Another curious one huh? Isn't that right Aoi... Reminder what happened when you told you were so curios?" I asked Aoi.

Aoi blushed deeply and nodded her head slowly. Kimiko raised an eyebrow with an expression confusion and curiosity.

"What happened? Did something happen? What did you do?" Kimiko questioned looking at me with protective glare.

"Sorry. It's me and Aoi's little secret now." I sung.

Aoi blushed harder and Kimiko eyed me suspiciously before huffing in defeat.

I chuckled softly when my eyes laid on Giani who had came back out her hiding spot again. When she realized I was looking at her she blushed many colors of red before breaking our eye contact.

"Princess Gianni, are you OK? Your face is entirely red!" I asked concerned, hiding the amusement in my voice.

"U-Uh I'm fine!" She sqeaked, getting redder.

"I think not." I replied, walking out of my chair. I kneeled down infront of her and put my forehead on hers.

"Your forehead is steaming!" I breathed, pulling back.

"U-Uh!" She stuttered before fainting.

"Was it something I said?" I asked, looking back at Aoi and Kimiko. To be honest really wasn't expecting that.

Aoi sweat dropped and Tsukino face palmed.

"I told you Aoi! Gianni faints when she makes contact with boys or is in the center of attention!" Tsukino groaned.

I carried Gianni's unconcious body to a couch next to us.

"Sorry." Aoi apoligized.

"Is she going to wake up soon?" I questioned, sitting back in my chair.

"No really. I think we better take her to the nurse though. It was nice meeting you Miso." Kimiko said, giving me a bold smile.

"I hope to see you and Gianni again. Is that ok with you Aoi? Or do you still want me to yourself?" I asked Aoi, ignoring the protective aroura that surrounded me.

"U-Uh it's fine! I had fun..." Aoi stammered.

I smiled slightly and picked Gianni up as I showed than out to the door.

"I hope you visit me soon!" I shouted winking at them.

I watched as again blushed and I could of sweated I was Kimiko turn a bit pink. I smiled a closed smile as I watched them carry Gianni down the hallway and to the nurse's office.


Hey guys!!!! Sorry that's it's a bit short, but I kind of ran out of ideas... But don't worry a new chapter will come out soon!!!!! Kimiko-san and Gianni-chan will also show as original characters/guest too!!!!!! I hope you guys like this chapter!!!!! I know I haven't been updating in a LLLLLOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG!!!! Time but I sort of got caught up in school in all!!!!!! >~< I hope to update soon and the next chapter is going to be called: Since When Did Kyoya Have A Fiancé?!

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