Chapter Fourteen ⎯⎯ Double Trouble

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(Mika's POV)

I sprint down the pink hallways and sigh in relief when I see two familiar white doors. I slam the doors open to see that business has already started.

"Miso!" The voice of Kyoya called.

I feel my body freeze and I slowly turn around to see an angry Kyoya Ating back at me. His glasses gleamed in a blood chilling way and I laughed awkwardly.

"You see...I got a little held up." I explained.

"Held up? Is that what had you got that?" He growled pointing at my face.

I frowned in confusion and touched my cheek and pulled it back to see blood.

"Eh?! When did that happen?" I exclaim trying to wipe my face from blood hat came from the cut on my cheek.

I tried to remember how I had gotten it and the flash of a blade appeared in one of the bully's pockets. Why haven't I seen that before? Or even felt being cut? The adrenaline must of numbed my senses...

Kyoya sighed and pulled out a handkerchief from his coat pocket. He walked up to me and wiped the blood from my cheek. I flinched and let him clean my face.

"You got in a fight didn't you?" He glared.

"Yes..." I admited, "but it was to protect someone!"

"Really? Who?" Kyoya frowned.

I saw something darken in his eyes from behind his glasses but I shook it off.

"A friend." I smirked.

I pushed his hand from my face and walked away to leave Kyoya to his thoughts.

I walked into the middle of the room and smiled when I saw Aoi, Kimiko, and Gianni sitting on a couch waiting for me. I took a breath and got into character.

"Hello, my princesses. I'm sorry to keep you waiting." I greeted, sitting down in a chair in front of them.

"Miso, what happened to your face!" Aoi shouted win a worried tone.

"It's nothing. I just had to take care of something." I replied.

The three girls eyed me curiously. Aoi pulled out a bandaid, from I have no idea where, and stood up. She pulled gently pressed on my cut and sat back down.

"Thanks, Aoi dear." I thanked with a wink.

She blushed scarlet causing Gianni and Kimiko to giggle. We continued to talk and do our thing, thankfully not making Gianni faint this time, until their time was up.

I slouched into my chair in exhaustion when I heard Tamaki start shouting in panic. I looked up and my eyes widened when I saw my dark hooded friend. I jump out of chair and ran full speed towards him.

"Neko!" I scream when I catch him in my arms.

"M-Miso!" He yelped.

"How's my cat loving friend doing?" I asked happily letting him go.

"Miso, do get close! You'll get cursed!" Tamaki warned in fright.

"Cursed? Neko would never curse me. Would you Neko?" I asked him.

Neko shook him head no and I looked back at the rest of the host club that were looking at us in shock.

"But I could curse you..." I mumbled pulling my cursed doll out.

Tamaki screamed and jumped behind Kyoya to use him as a human shield.

" this your friend you were talking about?" Kyoya asked slowly.

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