Chapter Nineteen ⎯⎯ The Resort

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Okay guys I've been reading the past comments from past chapters and have realized some of you guys do not approve of the person I've chosen to become Mika's love interest. TBH I did not choose this person. A long time ago I asked all of y'all which person you guys want her love interest to be! And in the end most of y'all's answers were THAT PERSON! I know some of y'all are upset, but you keep in mind there is a love triangle coming up! When it is revealed I will then let you guys choose! Hope you guys like the outcome! ;)


I'm sorry I have updated in so long, but my schedule is sooooo full! Even my schedules on vacations from school are packed! TT-TT

I HOPE THIS CHAPTER REPAYS THE HUGE HOLE IN UPDATING! You'll know what I man after you read this chapter ;)

AND THANK YOU ALL FOR GIVING ME OVER 1k FOLLOWERS! MY 2k15 New Years wish has been accomplished! XD I guess it's finally time to make a new one huh?

Mika's POV

I stare at myself in the mirror. I sat at my vanity table and examined myself. My wig laid on the table top in front of me.

I had been thinking about this for awhile...

About my fake death...

The night of the ball...

My mask...



Why did I lie about my memory in he first place? Was it because of my lost honor? Shame? Perhaps...

My mind went back to the day I was reunited to my family members. The tears that came down my older brother's face when I questioned about myself. I couldn't stand it.

Why did I do it?

Knock! Knock!

I jump slightly at the sdden sound and turn around as my bedroom door swung open.

"Are you ready, Mika?" Kyoya asked me as he walked into the room.

"Uh, not quite." I answered, getting my from my vanity set.

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that the host club is going to the Tropical Aqua Garden during club hours." He informed me, leaning on the door frame.

"Oh yeah, that resort. Why are we going there?" I mumbled, beginning to fix my hair for my wig to to fit on my head.

"Tamaki thought it would be fun for the hosts to have a rest day." Kyoya replied.

"Will I have to swim?" I asked next.

"Well, it depends. If you do not want your true gender revealed you will wear another pair of clothes, but if you want to reveal your gender then I can arrange a swim suit being brung to you." Kyoya sighed, adjusting his glasses.

I nod my head as I finished placing my wig on my head. I glanced back at Kyoya through my mirror and then back at myself.

"What do you choose?"

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