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Heya guys! I wanted to come and talk to you guys, this is the end of this book, BUT not the end-end. This is gonna be a series, for how many books, I honestly have no idea.

Throughout this book I've learned alot about myself, and I'm so lucky to have such nice readers, when I started writing this I was honestly expecting people to not like it, but I decided to go through with it because I knew I had a passion and if I didn't at least try, then I wouldn't get anywhere. For people to come to me and say that my book inspires them and for people to tell me that it is great has greatly effected me in ways some couldn't possibly imagine.

Because of all the positivity I've decided not only to continue this in another book, but I'm going to be creating my own original stories, from scratch, which I am so thrilled about!!!

I will be posting the first chapter of the second story soon, and once I do I will post a link (or at least the name)!

I am absolutely grateful for each and everyone of you ^^  ANYWHO I hope all of you have an absolutely wonderful day or night! Bye guys!

{Our Calling} Toshinori x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now