What an awkward situation

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The three of them walked down the winding, glass halls, a silence coming over them. The only sounds surrounding them were their shoes on the nicely waxed floors. (Y/n) did not realize how long it took to walk all the way to Aizawa's classroom, 'No wonder he's so fit!' He snickered to himself.

"What's so funny, short-stack?" Aizawa piped up. (Y/n) shook his head still chuckling, "I just didn't realize that this was your workout routine Sho."

Aizawa scoffed at him, "You out of all people should know what my routine is, but hey who knows? Maybe someday if you walk enough down to my classroom you'll be as fit as me," (Y/n) at this point was cackling, "Please, I've got a better regiment thank you very much!" Toshinori watched in awe that (Y/n) could keep up with Aizawa's wit. It was honestly kind of refreshing to him seeing someone with such quick wit. All Might lightly chuckled at their antics.

"So, All Might?" (Y/n) flipped the conversation towards him. He hummed looking down at him.

"If you don't mind me asking, why become a teacher here?" This question wasn't a surprise to him, "I mean you're the #1 hero! What made you join the dark side?" (Y/n) smirked jokingly. All Might already knew the answer to this question, was he ready to say exactly why? No. Not for a good, long while, if ever.

"That is a wonderful question Siren!" All Might cheered, "If I am being honest, I'm bored!" Now that shocked (Y/n). Just pure boredom? I mean it made sense. There was no other reason for him to be a teacher, unless he had a hidden passion for teaching.

"You know All Might, that's not the worst reason I've ever heard, and it's always good to try something new," Aizawa was slowing to a stop, "And please," (Y/n) stuck his hand out, "Call me (L/n)!"

His smile brightened. All Might smiled back and shook his hand carefully, "Thank you, (L/n)"

"Alright you two, this is our stop. Let's get ready for the students (Y/n)," Aizawa slid the giant door open. (Y/n) let go of All Might's hand and bid him goodbye. All Might laughed boisterously and took off in a flash, making (Y/n) chuckle. Suddenly, his nerves hit him, he was going to help out with 1-A. THE Hero course! These were the top dogs!

'Just chill out (Y/n), it's gonna be alright,' (Y/n) ran a hand down his face, "Hey Aizawa?" Aizawa responded with a small 'yes?'

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick, I hope you don't mind," Aizawa looked over at him, concern swirling in his dark eyes, "Yeah, that's fine, you alright?"

(Y/n) nodded, "Yeah just need to wash my face, I'm feeling a bit nervous," Aizawa nodded, "That's fine, just don't take too long okay?"

(Y/n) perked up and bowed, "Thank you! I'll be back in a flash!" He took off. Thankfully while talking to All Might he had seen a bathroom not too far away in passing. He walked down of course not wanting to be a bad influence on the kids, and entered. He turned on the faucet, the cool, soothing water gently filling up in his hands. He splashed himself and took a deep breath.

"See (Y/n)? Everything's fine! It's just like your choir class! Plus Sho is there with you," He talked to himself while grabbing a paper towel and drying his face off. He walked back out of the bathroom and made his way back to the classroom, "You're fi-"


He tensed up hearing a scream, it didn't sound too far away. He ran back to the classroom faster than before. When he reached the door his gaze settled upon an average looking green haired boy, a small brunette girl, and a tall blue haired boy with glasses, and in front of them a large yellow lump. That lump was Aizawa. What? It was his favorite sleeping bag! (Y/n) shook his head, "Really Shota? You had to scare them didn't you?"

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