An Old Friend of Mine

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A tall man with a tan trenchcoat walked in the room, a gentle smile on his face as his gaze fell upon Toshinori, "Heya Toshinori, how are ya?"

Toshinori smiled brightly back at him, "I'm great, and you? Man it feels like we haven't seen each other in forever!" he stood stumbling over to him, Naomasa chuckled at his endeavor, "I've been doing well myself, and I gotta agree, it's been a while," They both shared a laugh all-the-while Y/n and Midoriya sat looking back and forth between the males, confused.

Naomasa turned to them and waved, "Ah, so sorry about not introducing myself, I am detective Naomasa," Y/n and Midoriya waved awkwardly back, introducing themselves. Naomasa turned back to Toshinori, "So I wanted to talk about the whole fight that happened today at the USJ, I need to get in some eye witness reports-"

"Wait wait! Before that...." He paused, "How are all the other students," Naomasa was taken aback slightly, then again this was Toshinori Yagi, he always thought of others first then maybe himself later, so selfless. Y/n's heart warmed at Toshinori's caring act, 'He's so sweet. He has the aura of a hero,' He smiled. Naomasa replied, "Well besides a few scrapes and bruises, the one student, and the two teachers, no one was seriously injured.

Toshinori sighed in relief, "Oh, thank goodness..." He rested a hand on his chest.

Naomasa stayed a bit longer talking about Nomu and chatted with the four of them, catching up with Toshinori and getting to know the others just a bit. Although... He noticed something was off about Y/n. Him having a quirk that deals with lying and all, plus his years being in the lawenforcement business, he was bound to notice at one point or another.

Especially with the body language he held, with the way he would mess with his hands nervously whenever Naomasa asked some things about himself. The most noticeable was when he asked about family, he would flinch and tense up. There was something he was hiding and he hated to be that person, but he didn't like it.

He noticed Toshinori, and the way he would brighten up when Y/n talked or laughed, he trusted him and thought well of him. Knowing that, he felt like he needed to warn Toshinori, at least at some point. Naomasa brushed himself off, "Well, I should take my leave, but before I do I want to talk to you Toshinori," They all felt concerned, Toshinori asked, "Is something wrong?"

He waved, "Oh no! I just wanted to talk to you in private," He smiled brightly. Toshinori nodded and got up, walking towards the door, and followed him outside. Naomasa looked around carefully, making sure no one could hear him, Toshinori asked once more, "What's wrong?"

Naomasa's bright smile was now gone, and a serious face was replaced with it.

"Toshi... Something's off about (L/n)-"

{Our Calling} Toshinori x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now