The Initial Shock

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Toshinori flinched, "W..." He huffed, "What do you mean?" He couldn't believe what he heard, something off about (L/n)? This didn't really make sense, but he couldn't help but listen. He trusted Naomasa and his quirk.

Naomasa sighed, "When we were talking in there, I noticed that he was really tense around me... and anytime I mentioned family, he flinched, or if I asked any personal questions... I'm not sure what might be going on with Y/n, but I don't know if I exactly.... trust him."

Toshinori slowly shook his head, "T-that can't be right, he's a great guy, and he's always friendly and-" His mind started to swirl, which wasn't good.

Naomasa felt concern crawl up his spine, seeing Toshinori, his friend start to doubt himself. He hated doing this to him, he hated seeing him start to spiral, but he needed to warn his friend, just in case. After all, what kind of friend would he be if he didn't let him know.

"Toshinori, I know this seems ridiculous, but I know he's hiding something, although I'm not sure what," He rested a hand on his shoulder, "Listen, I know you trust him, but I can't see you get hurt anymore than you already are," Toshinori shuttered.

What if what he was hiding was something important, what if he was lying to him about who he was, what if, what if, WHAT IF! He grabbed his arms starting to shake a bit, his insecurities slightly taking over. He stopped, 'Then again', Toshinori thought, '... maybe it's just some personal issues, maybe he just has a bad history with family.'

"It might just be history, maybe he had a bad childhood!" Toshinori defended making Naomasa sigh once more, but let him continue with the maybe's and what if's. Once he was done thinking of all the possibilities, Naomasa spoke gently, "While that may be true, I don't know him very well, just.... keep an eye on him, alright? I don't want you to-"

"Get hurt, I know..." He interrupted, muttering dejectedly. Naomasa gave his shoulder a loving squeeze, before he took his hand off of Toshinori's shoulder. Toshi muttered, "I appreciate that Naomasa, thank you for caring," He smiled sadly, Naomasa returned it, "It's no problem, just keepin' an eye out for a brother,'' He chuckled and Toshinori soon followed.

Once they stopped Toshinori rubbed the back of his neck, "I better get back in there, they might start worrying," He said jokingly, the tension now gone. Naomasa nodded, "Alright, if you need anything, give me a call!" He waved to Toshinori, and he did the same. Toshinori walked back in, being met with silence in the room.

Y/n stared off into space, particularly fond of the sheets on his bed yet again, Midoriya lying down on his bed, passed out, and Recovery Girl typing away at her computer. Toshinori cleared his throat, "Sorry about that! Just needed to talk about a few things," He rubbed his neck nervously, a bad habit of his. The others waved it off, and all was well.

Except a particular student who had overheard the conversation, and she was not happy. Not at all.

{Our Calling} Toshinori x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now