The Last Fight!!

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Y/n walked down the stairs once more, wanting to get some fresh air. He wandered down the corridors, trying to find the doors that lead outside. He asked a few people around, getting a bit lost, thankfully for him, some of them knew the way and told him where to go. He followed their exact directions, turning left and right, twisting down the winding maze. He finally made it outside, taking in a deep breath and sighing, as the bright sun hits his eyes. He looked around at all of the people walking around, the murmur of the masses fluttering into his ears. He smiled and continued roaming, getting lost in thought, 'Today wasn't too bad, well so far at least," he chuckled to himself, 'Toshinori has helped me out so much,' he played with his hands, 'Without him I'd probably still be in the bathroom, or at home by now.'

He decided to bide his time and look at the individual stands. A few food ones here and there, some were stands selling merch, mostly t-shirts and plushies, or just some artwork. His eye caught one in particular of All Might, the colors were vibrant and the style was intricate. He smiled and asked, "Um excuse me! I was wondering..." the artist turned to him smiling, "how long did this take you?" He pointed to the said picture, the artist brightened up even more, "Ah that one took me at least three hours," the artist rubbed his neck, Y/n looked up at him, "That's amazing,a I wonder why I haven't  seen your art before..." The artist explained, "I'm actually kind of new to the whole art business," they chuckled nervously.

Y/n looked around at all of  the other artworks, there were ones of Present Mic, Best Jeanist,and even one of Eraserhead, he chuckled, "How much is this one?" He asked pointing to the darker image of Aizawa, the artist replied, "$30", he pulled out his wallet handing over the money, "Keep the change," the artist eagerly handed him the piece of art practically bouncing with joy, "Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day!" He waved at Y/n. He waved back walking off, "You too!" Suddenly he heard Hizashi's not-so-quiet voice, "ALLLRIGHT!! NOW FOR THE FINAL ROUND!!" Y/n jumped and ran back towards the enterance, "YOU'VE SEEN EM BOTH IN ACTION, THEIR QUIRKS ARE PRETTY IMPRESSIVE AS MUCH AS THEY ARE POWERFUL!" Y/n ran through the corridors yet again, wandering around the intertwining maze, until he finally made it into the stadium again, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN GET READY FOR TODOROKI VERSUS BAKUGOU!!!!!" An undying roar belched from the crowd as Y/n made it up the last few steps panting.

He entered the box, finding his way back to his seat, his panting slightly waning. Toshinori looked over at him with an eyebrow thrown up, "You okay?" Y/n threw up a thumb and nodded. Toshinori took that answer, and turned back to the battle. Bakugou glaring at Todoroki who showed no emotion, "Alright Icyhot, you better give me everything you've got, got it?!" Todoroki said nothing, pissing Bakugou off even more.

"BEGIN!!" Hizashi yelled, Todoroki immediately shot ice at Bakugou, not giving him any warning or a chance to fight back. Bakugou started to blast at the oncoming ice, "Damnit!!!" Bakugou snarled clenching his teeth. The onslaught of ice didn't stop until Todoroki had created a mountain of ice. There was a silence amoungst them, well besides Hizashi's commentary, for a while, until a light rumble sounded, gradually getting louder and louder. The ice broke loose, and out from it came a pissed off Bakugou, baring his teeth. Todoroki jumps back, trying to dodge the ice, Bakugou flew at him, "YOU HAVE A PRETTY BAD AIM!!" Todoroki got ready to throw more ice at Bakugou, but Bakugou blasted himself around him, taking ahold of his head and throwing him into the ground. Todoroki got back up sliding on the ice trying to find an opening. He found it, going for him, Bakugou doing the same, blasting right beside his face. Todoroki winced, but took ahold of Bakugou's arm. Endeavor smirked "That's it Shoto!!! Now use your left side!!" Todoroki flinched and threw Bakugou, to which the boy landed growing, "What the hell?! Don't hold back on me!!" Todoroki stood still not bothering to answer either his so called 'Father' of his classmate.

"Come on Todoroki!!!" A tantalizingly familiar voice called out, "DON'T GIVE UP! DO YOUR BEST!!!" Midoriya shouted as loud as he could. Todoroki responded, tensing up, his left side ignited. Bakugou gave his signature smirk, "That's more like it!" Bakugou blasted at him, spinning in circles until he made a tonrnado of smoke. Out from the depths of it he charged up one more blast, using all he had, he released it letting out a wall of fire.

For a few minutes smoke covered the whole arena now one could see a thing. Bakugou was finally spotted on the ground staring at a figure, who was Todoroki, laying against the ice, passed out.

"Todoroki is down!! Bakugou wins!" Midnight exclaimed, Bakugou forced himself up muttering to himself before stomping over to the unconscious Todoroki. Bakugou grabbed ahold of his shirt pulling him up, "GET UP!! I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YE-" before he could finish a mistake filled the air making him pass out as well.

The boys were taken off the field, Toshinori stood up, "Alright, that's my cue," he waved goodbye to Y/n, and the man did the same.

After a bit of healing from Recovery Girl, the boys were fine, well... Except Bakugou was strapped to a solid wall of concrete, a muzzle on him. Todoroki stood in 2nd place, and in 3rd was Tokoyami. All Might stepped forward in his usual hero outfit, he went up to Tokoyami, placing his medal around his neck, then hugged him, "You did exceptionally well, great job!" Tokoyami muttered a thank you back. Next was Todoroki, All Might muttered to him, "I know your father is harsh, just do what you feel is best," Todoroki smiled slighty.

Last but certainly not least, was Bakugou, he growled, once the middle was taken off he barked, "DON'T YOU DARE PUT THAT ON ME!!!!" All Might stiffled a laugh, 'His face is priceless!' All Might put it on him anyways, the medal getting caught in his mouth.

All Might walked forward, "These are your top three winners! Now say it with me!" He rose a fist.


"You did your best!!!" The crowd went silent before shouting, "All Might that's not what you were supposed to say!!" He rubbed his neck, "What? I thought they did good!" Y/n saw this and chuckled, people rose walking out in giant groups. Y/n ran down wanting to meet up with All Might and the other teachers before he left.

This was all I could think of for the chapters art HHH

This was all I could think of for the chapters art HHH

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